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Hana's POV

I woke up at four thirty to get myself ready for the trip Jimin was taking me.

I showered then put on my outfit, I did a little bit of make up and blow dried my hair so I look more decent.

I showered then put on my outfit, I did a little bit of make up and blow dried my hair so I look more decent

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(A/N: Here's her make up, I'll show the outfit later on)

After fixing myself up, I prepared my bag for my necessities like phone, keys, wallet and everything. I checked the time before grabbing my carry on.

5:53 am, Jimin's gonna be here any minute now..

I took my carry on to the living room and waited for Jimin, about five minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.

I grabbed my carry on and opened the door to see Jimin. I giggled realizing that our outfits matched.

 I giggled realizing that our outfits matched

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"Hey babe, ready?" He asked and I nod. "Yup! Did you try to find out what I was wearing so we could match?" I asked my silly question.

He just smiled, "To be honest, no. It's just a coincidence we match, but you look cute though." He said and I blushed.

"Thank you, shall we go now?" I asked. "Sure, I'll help you with your carry on.." he said as he took it to his car to put in his trunk.

I locked the door up nicely then followed Jimin to his car, he helped me in first then went to the driver's seat.

He started the engine and we drove off, while he was driving, he laced his hands with mine but I didn't mind so in return, I held his hand.

"Baby?" He said and I looked at him. "Did you tell your Instagram followers?" He asked and I forgot.

"Oh yeah, wait.." I quickly took my phone out of my bag. I had an I idea so took a picture of me and Jimin's hands holding.

I put on the caption then posted it, of course tagging Jimin..

I put on the caption then posted it, of course tagging Jimin

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hanahearts starting my summer break with @ddy_jimin ️☺️☺️

I heard Jimin's phone dinged meaning that he got my notification. I yawned tiredly.

"Sleepy baby?" He asked and I nodded sleepily. "Yeah, I woke up really early.." I said with a little chuckle.

He did the same as well. "Well we're just gonna hit a drive through for breakfast but it's not until fourty five minutes. You can take a short nap and I'll just wake you up when we're at the drive through okay?" He said and I nodded at him with a sleepy smile.

I leaned in to the side of the car and started to doze off into sleep.

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