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Taeyong was mindlessly strolling between the trees when he suddenly got a text.

Taeyong was mindlessly strolling between the trees when he suddenly got a text

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When Taeyong arrives at the cafe, he sees Heiran sitting down near a window. She takes a sip of her drink, and Taeyong notices another cup on the table across from her. He walks over and takes a seat.

"Hi," Heiran says, offering a smile. "I didn't know what you would like, but Doyoung said you and I are alike. So I got you the same thing."

Taeyong takes a sip, and the gentle flavor of caramel frappuccino engulfs his mouth. He sets the cup down. "Perfect. I love sweet drinks." As if he needs any more evidence that the woman of his dreams sitting right in front of him.

"Unlike Doyoung. He's a black coffee addict." Heiran sighs and looks out the window. "I actually don't have much time today, but I really wanted to talk to you. I'll cut to the chase, all you need to do is listen." She looks back at Taeyong. "You've noticed that Doyoung has a habit of closing himself away from people, right?"

Taeyong nods, not sure what she wants to talk about.

Heiran lays her fingers on the table. Unlike Doyoung's smooth tracing, she is much more anxious and energetic. Her fingers soundlessly tap against the wood, going in the same pattern. "Doyoung is a very lonely person. I think the only reason he ever became friends with me is because of that. He hated me at first, you know. But I think he hates being alone more.

"But I don't think he'd ever confess to something like that. In fact, I don't even think he realizes it." Heiran looks at Taeyong again. "I don't want to see him lonely."

"Why are you bringing this up?" Taeyong asks.

"Taeyong, I'm moving to the States with my fiancee after we get married. I'm not going to be here anymore." Taeyong only blinks in reply. "This is going to sound conceited, but I'm his only friend. After I'm gone, he'll be alone again. But you're here.

"Listen, I'm sure if you stick to him like glue, just as I did, he'll see you as a trustworthy friend too. He will become grateful to you as well. I'm sure of it. Because you and I are the same."

For some reason, Taeyong feels lost in the conversation. Although he knows exactly what Heiran is talking about, he can't seem to follow. So he just continues to listen to her talk.

"What I'm trying to say is, if Doyoung is alone again, I don't know what will happen. Even as of lately, I've been seeing him less and less. But once I leave, he really won't have anyone. I know it's selfish of me to ask you about this, but I think you'll understand since you must see him as a friend as well. You have to help him, Taeyong. At this point, I think only you can."

Taeyong takes another sip of his drink. "I'll try," he says after setting his drink down. "I mean, I've wanted to anyways. He's not like any other person I've met."

Heiran pulls out a white envelope from her bag. "This is my wedding invitation. It's in a while actually, six more months. But I like to be prepared." She slides it to Taeyong. "I would like you to come. Come with Doyoung, please."

Taeyong picks up the invitation and looks at it. "Have you told Doyoung yet? That you're leaving?"

"I was going to tell him later... Maybe after the wedding." She looks down at her lap. "I don't know, maybe sooner will be better." Suddenly, her phone rings. Heiran looks at the message on it and glances at Taeyong. "I'm sorry Taeyong, it seems like I have to go now." As she stands up, Taeyong does as well.

"Don't worry. I'm going to stick onto him until death. I'll make sure he's never lonely, ever."

Heiran smiles at him as she puts on her coat. "Thank you so much. You're a wonderful person. I'm very grateful that you've entered Doyoung's life."

Taeyong is too.

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