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"You forgot your phone," Taeyong says as he walks inside Doyoung's home. He reaches in his pocket and hands it to Doyoung.

"Thanks," Doyoung murmurs. He walks to the kitchen and grabs a glass to get Taeyong some water. He notices his hands slightly shake so he sets it down on the counter and motions at Taeyong to get the glass himself. "How did you know my address?"

"I texted Heiran. By the way, did you drive home?" Taeyong drinks the water before setting it back down on the counter.

"Of course not. I called a chauffeur service."

After Doyoung speaks, the two of them stand awkwardly in silence. Doyoung can only stare at the wall behind Taeyong. He hides his hands in his pockets and bites his tongue to hold himself back from saying anything. Taeyong, similarily, stares at his feet. He twiddles with his thumbs and taps his foot. Finally, he decides to speak. The words that come out are careful, unlike Taeyong's usual manner of speech. "I saw Jiyeon leaving as I came in. You guys also looked really close at the party."

In an instant, Doyoung immediately understands.

Do you like anyone right now?

Doyoung tries to respond; the words he wants to say are in a rush to come out. He nearly stammers, but Taeyong speaks faster. "I saw the article too." He finally grins and starts laughing. "Look at you! When we first met, you acted like you hated human interactions, but you even had a secret girlfriend this whole time!"

For some reason, Taeyong's innocent words engulf Doyoung in a bitter type of rage. He feels a hot, fiery ball roll up in his chest. It smothers him and jabs at him, teasing him to let everything out, but Doyoung refuses. It feels like there's smoke in his throat, but he will not open his mouth.

Taeyong does not notice. He continues to smile in his friendly, playful smile without a care in the world. "Kind of messed up how you got exposed though. Although I'm glad you never did that sort of stuff when I was in that field. I would feel terrible if I had actually caught you on a date. Good thing you used to be boring before we were friends, huh?"

Doyoung clenches a fist, his nails digging into his palms. He feels so helpless. He's a lone leaf in a thunderstorm, flailing around. Rain bashes into him, tossing him around like he's a joke.

"Anyway, glad you got your phone back. I'll leave now!" Taeyong waves as he walks to the door. "Congratulations on your relationship!"

Faster than Doyoung can even think, he rushes over and grabs Taeyong's hand. Taeyong looks at him in surprise, and the kindness of his gaze makes Doyoung almost break. "You're so stupid," Doyoung breathes out. His voice is hoarse, defeated. He can't stop himself now, no matter how hard he tried.

"What? You always say-"

Don't. Do. It. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.

"I like you."

All Doyoung had planned on was accepting.

But now it is up to Taeyong to accept Doyoung's confession.

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