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At home, Doyoung cannot even sleep. He just sits on his couch and tries to think, but his mind is only numb and empty. He hates himself for even feeling that way. He knew that Taeyong never saw him as more than a friend, and he definitely knows that he's planned on never telling him from the beginning. Yet the confirmation from Taeyong himself is sharp, and it stings Doyoung's chest.

Doyoung lets out a long and heavy sigh. He thinks of Jiyeon's words. Maybe this is better. He now knows how Taeyong feels without actually embarrassing himself first. Like Jiyeon said, now he can move on. But Doyoung grits his teeth because it's not easy to move on. He's been trying to move on since the moment he knew he loved Taeyong.

He reaches for his phone, hoping to maybe distract himself but realizes that he cannot find it. Doyoung groans at the recognition that he's left his phone at Taeyong's home, and the thought of having to go back makes him nearly scream.

Doyoung walks to the kitchen and gets himself a glass of cold water. He's about to go to bed when suddenly, his doorbell rings. He goes to open his door and is in utter surprise when he sees Jiyeon standing there, with tears streaming down her face.

"Doyoung," she sobs out. She chokes on her words before letting them out. "I don't know what to do. Help me."

. . .

Jiyeon sits next to Doyoung on the couch as she wipes her face with a napkin Doyoung got her. It doesn't seem to do much because as soon as she dries them, more tears come to replace them. Doyoung has never felt so helpless in his entire life. Jiyeon isn't just crying; she's completely in shambles and has to catch her breath through her loud wails. Her shoulders shake, and she can't even talk.

Doyoung awkwardly pats her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"No!" she manages to gasp out. "Do I look okay?"

"No," Doyoung says sheepishly. "What is it?"

Jiyeon wordlessly hands Doyoung her phone. Doyoung almost loses his breath when he sees the article on the phone.

 Doyoung almost loses his breath when he sees the article on the phone

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"How did they even get this," he says quietly. He can't find any words to say.

"Why do we look so close?" Jiyeon sobs out. "My parents are so ecstatic, this is the stupidest thing ever."

Doyoung thinks back and realizes the irony of the photo. It was the exact moment he told Jiyeon about his feelings towards Taeyong. He groans in frustration. "I really don't even know how to deal with this right now."

Jiyeon continues to cry as Doyoung watches her. He waits until she finally speaks again. "Byeol saw it. I didn't tell her about you before."

Doyoung's eyebrows furrow together. "It shouldn't be a big deal. We're just friends."

"Except I told her everything and how my parents think we're seeing each other." Jiyeon's sobs grow louder again. "She doesn't want to be together anymore, Doyoung. She thinks we're better off separate since my parents would never approve, to begin with."

As Jiyeon cries, Doyoung can only stare at the article. "What are you going to do?" he finally asks slowly.

Jiyeon sits up straight and attempts to hold in her cries. "I'm going to leave, Doyoung. I'm so sick and tired of everything and all this. I'm selling my shares to pay off for school, and I'll manage on my own after that. I don't need any of it anyways." Her voice is gravelly and raw, yet there's strong determination in it, one that Doyoung feels like he can never relate to.

Doyoung leans back into the couch in exhaustion. "For now, we'll just deny rumors, and make it clear that we're friends. You should explain to your parents. Seriously Jiyeon, you need to be honest with them at this point."

Jiyeon nods slowly, but Doyoung can tell she doesn't want to talk to her parents at all. "I guess I will." She sighs and glances at Doyoung. "If it's not too much... Just in case, if I actually leave, could I stay at your place for a while? I'll find my own place in the meantime, but the less I have to stay at home, the better." Jiyeons glances at her lap, and it makes Doyoung feel uncomfortable to see her so helpless. Jiyeon is strong and confident; Doyoung is the one that's supposed to get help from her.

"Yeah, that's fine." Doyoung sighs and stands up. "Go home first, and talk to them in the morning." He walks her to the door. "Oh right, I'll have to get my phone tomorrow so just come over when you need to, no need to text me first."

"Thank you so much, Doyoung," Jiyeon says through sniffles. She continues to stare down, and Doyoung can tell that she feels ashamed.

"It's okay, don't feel too bad. I'll see you later, alright?" Doyoung opens the door and walks Jiyeon out.

"Bye," Jiyeon murmurs as she leaves. She begins to walk out but stops in her tracks when she sees another person standing in front of her.

"Oh, you're here too!" Taeyong says. Jiyeon continues to leave without giving him much attention so Tayeong heads over to Doyoung. "Can I come in? I brought something you might need."

All Doyoung can do is nod.

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