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"I still can't believe it," Sungyeol blurts out as he pours Taeyong another shot of soju. The two of them are sitting on plastic stools at a tent bar near their home. The atmosphere itself is more intoxicating than the glasses filled with alcohol. The orange hue from the lights reflecting the tent only strengthens the red on Sungyeol's cheeks. "You were on TV!"

"I've been on TV for a while," Taeyong grumbles before drinking his shot.

"Stories about stray cats at ten in the morning don't count. Your only audience is housewives."

"First of all, it was at 6:00 P.M., which is also the best slot I've ever had until today. Second, I appreciate my loyal fanbase, even if they're all old enough to be my mother."

Sungyeol laughs and pours another glass. Taeyong cannot keep up with the number of times he's done that. "Either way, this is a win for you." He holds his glass out for Taeyong to clink it with. "Cheers!" he exclaims gleefully before downing his drink within seconds. "Ah, also, I asked Seulmin to come. It's her victory as much as yours."

"What?" Taeyong exclaims. "Now? When we're like this?" It's near midnight, and the two had come out wearing the clothes they'd sleep in. Sungyeol looks slightly better in his hoodie and clean track pants, but Taeyong's sweatshirt has a barbeque stain on it that's much too large to miss. "You could have told me that before we went out." He groans.

"Speak of the devil!" Sungyeol says with a smile as Seulmin waves at the two from a distance. She approaches them, grinning, and drags a stool with her to join them at the table. "Although, you're a bit more of an angel," Sungyeol says slyly, leaning towards her.

"Stop!" Seulmin exclaims, playfully whacking his arm. "You're so gross." She smiles at the pair, and Taeyong is comforted when he realizes Seulmin is dressed similarly in a gray sweater and leggings. "Thanks for inviting me, you two. I don't think I could have slept tonight."

"By the way, do you two know how popular you guys are?" Sungyeol, suddenly says, taking out his phone. "Look at this." He hands Taeyong his phone. As Seulmin leans in to look, Taeyong realizes that the comment section of a Naver article is what Sungyeol wanted them to see.

 As Seulmin leans in to look, Taeyong realizes that the comment section of a Naver article is what Sungyeol wanted them to see

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Taeyong lets out an appreciative exhale as he hands the phone back to Sungyeol. "That's unreal," he says slowly. Seulmin can only nod in response.

"Now you two have to demand a higher paycheck," Sungyeol says with a hearty laugh.

"I haven't even graduated!" Seulmin exclaims. She shakes her head. "Honestly, I don't know how I'm even going to step foot in the office again. This is a bit embarrassing."

Sungyeol pours more soju for the three while Taeyong sighs in content. He smiles to himself at his moment of success. He suddenly thinks of a familiar face and brightens up. He reaches for his pocket, ready to text Doyoung, and then droops when he realizes he has left his phone at home.

"Okay okay." Sungyeol clears his throat loudly and then stands up to exclaim to the whole tent, "Congratulations to my friends for getting a raise! Hear hear!" There is only sarcastic applause and cheer in reaction from others in the tent as Seulmin pulls on the bottom of Sungyeol's hoodie.

"Get down!" she says through gritted teeth, but she is also trying to hold back her laughter. "You're too loud."

Sungyeol cackles as he sits back down. He raises his glass. "Well?" The other two clink it obediently as they smile.

. . .

"Uh, sorry you had to help," Sungyeol says as he drags a drowsy Taeyong through the door.

"No no, I don't mind at all." Seulmin closes the door behind them as she helps Sungyeol carry Taeyong to the couch.

Sungyeol carelessly flings Taeyong onto the couch and walks to the kitchen to get some water for himself and Seulmin. Taeyong murmurs some incoherent sleep talk and goes to sleep as Seulmin laughs.

"He's such a lightweight. He barely drinks anything and falls asleep right after," Sungyeol says, putting two glasses of water down at the small dining table. He motions Seulmin to join him, and the two sit together.

"I didn't know you two were roommates."

Sungyeol smiles. "We go way back. Our moms were friends, and we'd hang out a lot. After his mom died, he'd always try to sleepover and invite himself for dinner." He pauses to take a sip of water. "Well, my mom was okay with it, and I was too. But I think he also felt bad for doing it."

Seulmin traces the edge of the glass with her finger and hums a bit. "I guess you two liked each other so much that you couldn't leave each other, huh?" she says mischievously, grinning at Sungyeol.

"Oh, c'mon," Sungyeol whines. "That's so gross. Why would you even say that?" The two laugh, and Sungyeol finishes his water. "I mean, between paying for a dorm and sharing Taeyong's rent, one would be a bit more fun. Not all of us are scholarship students, free rooming, and all." Sungyeol eyes Seulmin with a playful smirk.

Seulmin scoffs humorously. "I try." She stands up and stretches after finishing her own glass of water. "I should leave now." She glances at Sungyeol. "You're going to be at the get together next week, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it! Unless you're not there." He also stands up and walks Seulmin to the door. "Get home safe."

"Thanks. Will do." Seulmin waves as she walks out. Sungyeol closes the door and sighs. He walks over to Taeyong and nudges his shoulder with his foot.

"You too. Go to bed, okay?" Sungyeol does not wait for a response and goes to his room to sleep.

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