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Reading Doyoung's text overwhelms Taeyong with guilt, all the way from head to toe. It's shameful, knowing that you're not the one who decided to be the bigger person. His heart hammers against his chest, and his stomach feels unsettled, like hanging onto a branch that won't stop shaking.

Taeyong licks his lips as he cleans up his desk. His mouth and throat feel dry, and he can't shake off the feeling of disappointment in himself. It hangs onto his shoulders and weighs him down. He had been the one to start arguing with Doyoung, and once again, being the sensible, level-headed person he is, Doyoung has to clean it all up.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Taeyong smacks his cheeks a good few times. He promises that he'll apologize first. There's no way that he'll allow Doyoung to take the blame for his pettiness.

When Taeyong leaves for work, he is nearly running out of the building to the Han River.

. . .

It begins to rain, just a little bit. Sprinkles of water begin to lightly fall on Taeyong, dancing around him as if they urge him to walk faster. Each step feels lighter than the one before it until, suddenly, Taeyong sees Doyoung in the distance, and he can't move.

Doyoung's profile seems so clean and handsome, even from afar. He stands with a hand in his pocket, his other hand holding an umbrella. He looks at his shoes as they tap the small puddles appearing from the rain getting slightly heavier.

It's a scene straight out from a movie, but all Taeyong can think is, Man. He got an umbrella. He really is smart.

Seeing Doyoung makes Taeyong's heart swell. He remembers how much he likes Doyoung, and from his memory, it's a lot. He can't help himself from suddenly running towards him, like a puppy towards its owner.

And then, he's home.

Taeyong nearly crashes, but he grabs Doyoung's arms when he reaches him under the umbrella. "Doyoung! I'm so sorry!" he screams at a wide-eyed Doyoung. "I'm sorry I was such a brat! I'm sorry for being pushy! I'm sorry that I was so needy when you were just being responsible! I'm sorry-"

"Hold on," Doyoung struggles out. "Wait, calm down."

Taeyong lets go of Doyoung and backs away a mere step. It's just enough that both of them are still under the umbrella. He looks at Doyoung and once again finds the view much too pleasing. There's something about the atmosphere: the rain and the city lights shining down on the face of the person you love. "I really mean it. I'm sorry I didn't think of your side," Taeyong mumbles out.

A small smile appears on Doyoung's face as if he's both relieved and amused. "Thank you, Taeyong. I'm sorry too, for not thinking of your side. I haven't been the most attentive boyfriend."

The last word makes Taeyong gulp. He's shocked that it's so easy. Being with Doyoung is too easy. To be forgiven so quickly seems unreal, yet when two people match so harmoniously, ease is only to be expected.

"No, you've been the best," Taeyong manages to say. He can feel his heart beginning to beat very fast.

Doyoung looks at Taeyong for a few moments, as if carefully observing his face. He finally speaks when he says, "It's going to rain harder. Let's go somewhere else." He gently takes ahold of Taeyong's hand, and they walk together in a sort of musical silence. The rain gradually becomes heavier as the pair reach a sidewalk next to the main road.

It is thunderously loud by the time they spot a bus stop, and they run to it since the umbrella can no longer save their shoulders from being soaked. They graciously sit down as Doyoung closes up the umbrella.

The summer rain is both cooling yet warm. The advertisements located next to the bus stop bench makes Doyoung's face glow. The ambiance is incredibly informal, but Taeyong believes that his apologies are still not enough.

"Am I annoying?" Taeyong slowly asks, not taking his eyes off Doyoung.


"Oh. Sorry."

Doyoung seems to be smiling to himself as he watches the rain. The corners of his mouth are lifted in a manner that makes Taeyong think that Doyoung's mouth is really pretty. Taeyong decides that Doyoung looks quite elegant and neat today, and he's somewhat entranced despite having seen Doyoung's face so many times.

Taeyong decides to rephrase his question. "Do you like me?"


"Oh! Thanks." Taeyong nearly slaps himself. The pit of his stomach bubbles in embarrassment. Doyoung does not notice as he contently keeps his eyes on the rain. "I like you," Taeyong blurts out. "A lot. So much. Like crazy."

Doyoung turns to look at Taeyong and smiles a bit more widely. "I'm glad," he says slowly, not sure how else to reply.

"Can I kiss you?" The words escape Taeyong's mouth much faster than he thinks. His entire neck feels warm.

The gentle laugh that escapes Doyoung's mouth cannot be held back. "Yes," Doyoung says, feeling immensely warm all over.

Taeyong isn't quite sure what to do. He's the one that asked. But now, he feels confused. He quickly leans forward and gives Doyoung a small peck on his mouth before leaning right back within seconds. "Oh my God," Taeyong whines. "What was that?" He covers his face and groans. "Doyoung, you're making me go crazy!"

"What did I do?" Doyoung asks with a confused laugh. "You're that one that kissed me so pathetically like that."

His hands fall from his face as Taeyong whips his head to glare at Doyoung. "You're so mean! I'm losing my mind right now-"

Before he can finish his sentence, Taeyong finds his collar to be grabbed by Doyoung as he is gently pulled in close. Electricity runs through Taeyong's veins when he sees the playful glint in Doyoung's eyes.

"Stop saying nonsense," Doyoung quietly says, his voice sensual yet amused.

When Doyoung kisses Taeyong, the latter finds himself falling apart in pieces.

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