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Doyoung arrives home feeling giddy. It's as if he's dissociated from himself; he is no longer the same person. Someone else has taken over his body and wreaked chaotic havoc on his life. He goes into his room, deciding to finish up some of the work he had abandoned before. It is difficult for him to focus; he works diligently for ten minutes before his mind slips off elsewhere, and then he has to start over again.

The sky is dark outside when he hears Jiyeon come through the front door. He checks the time; it is exactly eight. He puts away his work on his desk and finds Jiyeon in the kitchen. "Where were you?" he asks while getting himself a glass of water.

"Wrapping things up." Jiyeon shrugs nonchalantly. "You know, the whole abandoning my family thing." Her nose wrinkles in disgust, but Doyoung doesn't fail to notice her lip quivering as if she might cry any moment.

"Are things okay?" Doyoung asks cautiously, walking over to stand beside her.

"Yes and no." Jiyeon sighs and stares at her feet. "They literally don't care about me at all. They're more worried about the company and project than me actually leaving. It's so frustrating. I'm glad I left, but just thinking about it makes me want to scream." She shakes her head and grabs Doyoung's unfinished water, chugging it down in only a few seconds. She sets the glass down and wipes her mouth with her sleeve. "Anyways, I'm hungry. You're on dinner duty today, in case you forgot."

Doyoung did forget. He scratches his neck sheepishly. "I'll order something."

Jiyeon narrows her eyes at Doyoung. "You met Taeyong."

It is a stone-cold statement, not a question. "What gave it away?" Doyoung asks, trying to avoid Jiyeon's eyes.

"I don't know, maybe the whole 'stupid-in-love' aura that you're literally suffocating in?"

Doyoung pauses. He's about to retaliate, but then he thinks of Jiyeon. Jiyeon is smart and cool-headed. Except when it came to her girlfriend. He groans at the realization that he, too, must look like an idiot in love. He shakes his head, trying to ignore reality, and goes on his phone to order food. Jiyeon scrolls through her own phone, waiting for Doyoung to finish.

As Doyoung wraps up the order, Jiyeon suddenly bursts out laughing. She doubles over, clutching her stomach. Doyoung even hears a few snorts. "What? What is it?" he asks curiously. But he can't also help but feel extremely cautious. It's like there is a heavyweight in his stomach.

"Doyoung! You-" Jiyeon is interrupted by her own laughter.

"You pig! Tell me!" Doyoung demands urgently. He has a very bad feeling about this. He knows too well that Jiyeon is a little demon that feeds off his own misery. "Stop snorting! What is it?"

"You're trending on Twitter!" Jiyeon manages out through gasps. She tosses Doyoung her phone as she rolls over on the sofa, holding her stomach. "Oh my God. It hurts. My stomach hurts so much," she wheezes as Doyoung looks at her Twitter feed.

 My stomach hurts so much," she wheezes as Doyoung looks at her Twitter feed

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Doyoung's entire neck flushes red. "I can't believe this."

          "Why are there so many likes? What the hell?" Doyoung wants to cry

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"Why are there so many likes? What the hell?" Doyoung wants to cry. He wants to sob. Most importantly, he wants to kill Taeyong first for turning him into a fool and then die himself.

 Most importantly, he wants to kill Taeyong first for turning him into a fool and then die himself

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"What is this?" Doyoung asks, showing the screen to Jiyeon.

The tweet makes Jiyeon laugh even harder. "That's your fan account."

Doyoung opens the profile, feeling a combination of embarrassment and confusion.

          Doyoung opens the profile, feeling a combination of embarrassment and confusion

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"Is this Taeyong or something?" he murmurs under his breath. He snaps his head to Jiyeon. "And why are you liking everything? And following the account?"

"Because I'm your fan." Jiyeon wipes away a tear and giggles a bit more. "Gosh. I needed that."

"I didn't," Doyoung mutters as he throws the phone back to Jiyeon. He collapses onto the sofa and sinks into it, covering his face with his hands. He doesn't even know what to do. The paparazzi and reporters have been following him around for ages, but nothing has ever made Doyoung go insane the way a probably-teenager has with one Twitter post. He wants to grab his hair and tear it out or kick his feet, but he knows nothing will change the situation.

"Oh, come on Doyoung, it's not too big of a deal. They just think you're cute, that's all." Jiyeon smiles gently, but Doyoung glares back. Acting nice now won't make a difference after she laughed at him like that.

"When are you moving out?" he asks exasperatedly.

"In three months." Jiyeon smiles widely. "Maybe I should get my own furniture for the guest room? Make it match my personal tastes?"

Doyoung stands up silently and goes to his room. He collapses on his bed and closes his eyes shut.

If he had known things would be this chaotic, would he have ever gone down this path?

He screams into his pillow and then sighs.

Doyoung thinks he would have. After all, things are a bit more fun now.

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