Dovell : dear diary

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Dove's P.O.V

I was currently going to Mitchell's house to hang- out. Suddenly, it started raining, URGH !! IT WAS SUNNY A SECOND AGO !!! Since I had no umbrella, I started running. As I was running I realized that I shouldn't have worn high heels, because I tripped in a muddy puddle. Urgh !! Now I'm all messy. Great ! ( note the sarcasm). To make matters worse, my shoe was broken so I had to run the rest of the path with one shoe on.

After a few minutes later, I reached Mitch's apartment. I ran up the stairs until I reached the 4rth floor. I ran towards Mitch's house and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, he opened the door for me.

- Hey Dove ! He said when he saw me. He gave me his charming smile that I loved so much.

- Hi Mitchell. I said, smiling back.

Mitchell's smile faded, when he saw my messy clothes and my scratched arm because of the fall.

- Come in. He said eagerly.

I got in his room and Mitch went to his drawer. He gave me a pair or sweatpants and a tee-shirt and he pointed me towards his bathroom.

- Go change and shower. I'll wait for you on my bed.

I went in his bathroom and showered. After finishing, I got out, all dressed and went to sit near Mitchell. Mitchell flashed me a smile, before getting off the bed and going to shower.

When he was in the bathroom, I looked around his room. My eyes fell on something special. It was a book. But not any book, it looked like a diary. I know I shouldn't but I still took his diary in my hands. I really knew that I can't just invade his privacy like that, but my curiosity just got the best of me. When I took out his diary, 2 pictures and a crumbled piece of paper fell. I gasped when I saw the pictures.

 I gasped when I saw the pictures

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Why did he have pictures of me ? I thought

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Why did he have pictures of me ? I thought. I couldn't contain my curiosity anymore, so I just grabbed his piece of paper and started reading it. In my head, I was constantly apologizing to Mitchell for just invading his privacy like that, but I just had to know why he had these photos of me. When I unfolded the piece of paper, the first thing I saw was

" dear diary"

I smiled finding it cute that Mitchell had a secret diary.

I continued reading

Dear diary,

It's been a week since we started shooting descendants and I figured out that I really love Dove. I know that she has a boyfriend and that she may not be interested in me, but hey a guy can dream right ? There's just something in Dove that makes her shine. I don't know if it's her beautiful face or her awesome personality that I love so much. Or maybe it's both ? I dream of her everyday, I even started daydreaming about her. Okay, it's official, I, MITCHELL JEROME HOPE ( some people say that it's his full name), IS IN LOVE WITH DOVE CAMERON. My love for her is ridiculous and I would do anything for her. Who knows what I would give for just one kiss.


When I was done reading, I felt a lot of butterflies in my stomach. I was yelling out of joy in my head. MITCHELL HOPE LOVES ME !! MITCHELL HOPE LOVES ME !! I was so excited, that I even started jumping on his bed. I didn't even realize that Mitch was done with his shower, until I heard him clear his throat.

- Dove ? What do you have in your hand ? He asked nervously.

- Urm............nothing ? I said even more nervously.

Mitchell slowly approached, I tried hiding his diary entry behind my back, but it was too late, he already saw it.

- You read it ? And don't lie to me. He said/warned.

- I..........I..........Well..........I sorta....... (I was trying to make up an excuse).

- Dove ! He warned again.


- I really wished I could be mad at you. But I just can't. I like you too much to do so. He said.

After a moment of silence, I decided to pop out the question.

- Is it true ? What you wrote on that paper ? Do you really feel this way for me ? I asked him.

Mitchell stayed silent for awhile, finally he spoke up.

- Yes !! I really do love you Dove. From the moment I saw you walking on set..................................But what about you ? Do you love me ? He asked hopefully.

I stared into his eyes and slowly, started leaning in until our lips crashed together. We both shared a long and loving kiss.

- Does this answer your question ? I ask when we pull out, with a small smirk.

- I don't know, maybe you can re-do it, just so I'm sure. He joked with a cute mischievous smirk on his face.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him before planting another kiss on his lips.

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