To Paris, with Love

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3rd person's P.O.V

- I still can't believe you're taking me to Paris !! Mal exclaimed as she started bouncing up and down on her plane seat.

Ben laughed a little bit at that. Mal must have said that sentence at least 10 times today.

- Well you deserved this, we deserved this. After working so hard, we deserve to have some time alone to relax. Ben said, with a smile as he wrapped his arm around Mal.

Mal smiled as she rested her head onto Ben's shoulder.

- So, what are we going to visit in Paris ? You didn't really give me any details. Mal asked curiously.

Ben smiled as he started explaining there trip to Mal.

- Well, as you know Mal, I was born in France, in the city of Paris to be precise. When I was younger, my parents used to take me to France each year during summer vacation. Although, now that I became king, I don't really have time for much vacations, so we stopped that tradition. I thought that by taking you to Paris, you would get to know me more. You'll see, it will be a lot of fun. I'm going to show you all around the neighborhood where I was born. You're going to love it. Ben said, as he brought Mal's body closer to his.

Mal beamed happily.

She was really excited about visiting Ben's birthplace. And the best part ; they were going to spend one whole week, just the two of them, in Paris, the city of love. They won't need to be King Ben and Lady Mal anymore, they're just going to be plain old Ben and Mal this week.

No press, no royal commitments, or anything is getting in there way. Mal squeezed Ben's hand tightly to calm down her eagerness. She was about to say something to Ben, but instead she let out a huge yawn.

- Go to sleep, it's almost nighttime. Ben said as he picked up a blanket and wrapped it around his and Mal's body.

- Ok, I love you. Mal said, with a small yawn as she buried her face into Ben's chest.

- I love you too, more than words could ever explain. Ben said softly, making Mal giggle.

After awhile, Mal planted a small kiss on Ben's forehead before closing her eyes.

Ben smiled as he started to hear his girlfriend snore softly, and soon after, Ben eventually fell into a deep slumber along with Mal, with his head resting on the crook of his lover's neck.


The next morning, Ben woke up by the feeling of Mal's lips on his cheek.

- Goodmorning handsome. Mal said with a huge grin.

- Morning. Ben said tiredly.
- How come you woke up before me ? I'm always the morning person. Ben quickly asked later.

- Because we landed and I can't wait to explore Paris. Now come. Mal squealed as she pulled Ben's hands, making him stand.

Ben chuckled softly before pulling out there luggages and getting off the plane.


- So, where are we going to stay ? Mal asked impatiently, when they were out of the airport. She was enthusiastically jumping up and down as she held onto Ben's hand tightly.

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