She's the one

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Thank you to potatoarethebest for giving me the idea for this chapter !!!

Also, this chapter is inspired by Liv and Maddie and a little bit by Austin and Ally;) If you're a true Disney fan, then you will understand why.

Also, I just wanted to say that in this one-shot, Ben and Mal aren't in Auradon. They're just ordinary teenagers. So, Ben isn't the king and Mal isn't a vk. They're only ordinary peeps. And Mal doesn't have purple hair, she has blonde hair.

And so, with that said, I hope you like this one- shot.


3rd person's P.O.V

- So, are you finally going to tell him how you feel ? Evie asked Mal, excitedly.

- I don't know............maybe.........maybe not. Mal answered glumly.

- Come on, you've been ignoring your feelings for Ben ever since middle school. Just tell him you like him already. Evie said, dramatically.

- How do you tell your best friend that you like him ?? What if he doesn't like me back ?? This may ruin our friendship. Mal said before yelling out in frustration

- Look, just tell him you like him. It's only three words : I like you. Three words can't ruin your friendship with Ben.

Mal stared at Evie for awhile before sighing.

- Fine, I'll do it. Me and Ben need to rehearse for our duet for drama class after school. I'll tell him then. She said.

- YESS !!! You have to tell me EVERYTHING that happens. Evie said, excitedly.

Mal rolled her eyes at her friend.

- Let's just hope everything goes well. She said glumly.

Before Evie could reply, the class bell rang and the class started.

During there class, Mal tried to focus, but the only thoughts that were going through her mind were about Ben. You see, her and Ben have been best friends ever since they were five ; They were really close and they obviously cared about each other ;Whenever Mal was feeling blue, Ben was always the first one to be there by her side. He was the one person she could trust the most and he was her shoulder to cry on. Ben's big heart is probably one of the most important reasons why she fell for him. When they both turned 12, Mal started developing a crush on Ben. She tried avoiding her feelings for him, but she wasn't able to. Every time she saw Ben she would always have to remind herself to not blurt out her feelings for him. No matter how hard she tried, her love for Ben never washed away. Last year, Mal got a little bit of courage and tried to tell Ben that she liked Ben, but that's the year when Ben started dating Audrey, the most popular girl in school. After that Mal decided to just ignore her crush on Ben. She thought that it would wash away some day, but it never did. And now she started to think that maybe it never will.

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