A Motherly Love

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Hey everyone, welcome back to a brand new chapter. This one-shot is a bit different because it's not about Bal!

Here are 4 precious moments of a special Mother/Daughter relationship.




As Ben lead Mal into Beast Castle 1 week after his coronation, Mal couldn't help but get nervous. This morning, Ben texted her to let her know that his mom wanted to see Mal. And ever since, Mal couldn't help but get nauseous.

- Don't worry, everything will be fine. I told you, she just wants to get you know better, Ben reassured Mal as he led her through the halls of the castle.

- I know, but I still can't help but get nervous, Mal told Ben. "You can't know how I feel right now. You're not the one who's about to meet my mother." Mal told Ben as she crossed her arms around her chest.

- I did meet your mother. She almost burnt my face off. Remember? He told her jokingly.

- Haha, Mal answered, rolling her eyes playfully.

After awhile, Ben stopped in front of a door. He then knocked on the door, and it quickly swung open, revealing an excited Belle.

- Hey Ben! Hey Mal! She greeted.

- Hi mom/Hi Queen Belle, the couple answered.

- No need for formal names dear. Just call me Belle, the mother told Mal, and Mal nodded her head to that.

- I'm so glad I'm finally meeting you, Belle then continued.

- The pleasure is all mine, Mal answered politely, and Belle smiled at that.

- Ben, honey, how about you go find your father. He wanted to take you out somewhere. Belle said to her son.

- Wait.....I thought I could stay with you two, Ben said as he pouted slightly.

- Well I was hoping I could talk in private with Mal, Belle answered, which made Mal more nervous. "And besides, your dad is really looking forward to some father/son bonding time." She said.

- Okay then, Ben sighed. "I guess I'll see you two later." He said. He then pressed a small kiss on his mom's and his girlfriend's forehead before reluctantly leaving.

- Come in, Belle said, opening the door widely.

- Thank you, Mal said as she entered the room. "Woah, is this your and Adam's room?" Mal asked as she looked around the beautiful room.

- Yes it is, Belle answered. She then smiled when her eyes landed on Mal, who was staring at a picture frame of Ben, on Belle's nightstand.

- Ben was 12 in that picture, Belle advised. "Believe it or not, but he used to hate taking pictures." She said, laughing at the memory. "He also used to be really shy when he was younger. When he was 3, he made his first balcony appearance. Instead of waving to the crowd, he hid his face in my shoulder." Belle said, making Mal giggle at the thought.

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