Descendants Shots

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Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I last updated, I think two months ago.  Well, I'm back with a brand new chapter. This chapter is a bit different than my other chapters; this is a refill chapter that I'm posting to entertain y'all.

So this is a chapter filled with funny cracks/catch phrases/memes/funny scenes/whatever you wanna call them. I would like to point out that all the scenes aren't mine. Like I said, this is only for entertainment and because I've been having a huge author's block lately and I wanted to let y'all know that I'm alive ;)

I hope these scenes make you laugh, or at the very least smile.

Without further or do, I hope you like this refill chapter. 

Credit goes to my Instagram search page.



After Harry dumps Audrey for Uma:

Chad: I'm single, you're know what that means?

Audrey: yeah......

Audrey: We're ugly

Inside Chad's head: Oh shit- She's right! That explains so much....



Bal flirting with each other:

How Ben flirts:

Ben: Do you know what you would look really beautiful in?

Mal: What?

Ben: My arms


Mal: Why do you keep following me?

Ben: I'm just doing what my mom told me to do.

Ben: Follow my dreams.


*Ben knocks on Mal's dorm room*

*Mal opens the door*

Mal: Yes? Do you need anything?

Ben: No, I'm just surprised you're here.

Mal: You know this is my room, right?

Ben: Well aren't masterpieces meant to be in museums?



How Mal flirts:

Mal: You smell like trash. Can I take you out?

Ben: 👁👁


Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now