Love is in the air

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Hey guys!! I was supposed to publish this on Valentine's day, but you know, I got lazy and I didn't manage to finish the chapter. So here it is now : Please enjoy this extra fluffy BALentine's Day chapter.


( This happens after d3 btw. Mal and Ben are still fiance's. )

Ben's P.O.V

- So what are your plans for tomorrow ? My mom asked as she looked at me.

- Well, I decided that we can start of the day by spending some fun family time together. There's a new attraction parc a few blocks away from the castle. I thought it would be fun we all visit it together. I said as I looked at everyone.

- And then, I thought that it would be perfect to end the day by taking Mal out on a nice date. I finished I threw Mal a loving look.

I smiled widely as I answered my mom's question. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day and I was really excited. Tomorrow, I had the whole day to spend some time with my loved ones because I finally had a day off from all my kingly duties !! Everyone, which includes : me, my parents, Mal and Hades were all sitting around the dinning table at the Castle eating dinner.

- When you say family time......does that include me as well ? Hades asked.

- Of course dad, you're part of the family now, Mal said as she flashed her dad a huge smile.

I beamed happily as I nodded at Mal's statement. As I started looking at everyone, I couldn't help but smile. Now that Mal and Hades moved in with us, there's a new energy in the Castle. A good energy. Now, I have 2 families. First, I have my Auradon family, and now, I have my isle family, with Mal and Hades. 

- You know Ben.....I don't say this often....but I want to thank you. Hades said as he looked at me.

- Thank me ? For what ? I asked, even though I already has a slight idea of his answer.

- Well I wanted to thank you for making me live this magical experience. If it weren't for you, me and Mal would still be living a shit life on the isle. And now that I think about it, you're kinda the reason on how me and Mal started developing a good father/daughter relationship. And, well there's also the fact that you make my daughter really, really happy. So I just wanted to thank you for doing all those things. Hades said with a small smile.

- Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. So does this mean that I have your blessing to marry Mal ? I asked hopefully.

- You've gotten my blessing a long time ago, he chuckled. "I couldn't be prouder to call you my son-in-law", he said as he threw me another smile.

- Awwwwww !!!!! chorused the whole table.

- See dad ? Being nice to Ben isn't that hard. Mal said as she smiled teasingly at her dad.

- Pfft.....this is probably the first and last time I'm going to be this sweet to him, Hades quickly said.

Me and Mal both shared a knowing look together at Hades's statement. We both knew that Hades was just embarrassed about being nice and sweet to me.

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