Best birthday

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Mal's P.O.V

I woke up this morning with a huge smile on the face. Today is Ben's birthday. I couldn't wait to give him his presents. Well................his main present. Today will be filled with surprises. I turned around to see my husband still fast asleep. To wake him up, I started to kiss him on the cheek. When he didn't wake up, I started kissing his neck. When I finally heard him moan, I stopped, knowing that he was awake.

- Why did you stop ? He whined, half-asleep.

- Because if I don't, you will never get out of this damn bed. I answered.

- Honey......It's my birthday. Can't I just stay in bed for the rest of the day with you ? He whined like a five year old.

- Nope, I already have plans for you. But since it's your birthday, you can stay in bed for 5 more minutes. NOT MORE.

- Good. He said, before hugging me and finally closing his eyes again.

5 minutes later

- WAKE UP ! I yelled
- URGH!!!!!!! FINE!! Ben yelled in his pillow.

He got of the bed and went to his wardrobe to get an over-sized sweatshirt and some sweatpants. Then, it was my turn to get ready, so I went to my closet and took out my leggings and I took out Ben's tourney shirt. The one he gave me when we were 16 and which I never gave him back.

- You know I love it when you wear my shirts. Especially that one. Ben purred from behind me.

- I know. Why else do you think I wore it on this special day ?

- Fair answer. He hummed.
- So, where is my lady taking me today ? He asked

- I can't spoil the surprise, can I ? Now please don't hate me for this.

- Hate you for what ?

- This. I said before saying a spell out-loud to make me and Ben appear at the enchanted lake, by magic.

- Sorry, it's the only way I could bring you here, without you guessing the place. I told him once he realized where we were.

- You know what, it's my birthday so I don't care if you use magic.

I squealed out of joy.

- Good. But just to let you know, I didn't use magic for the rest of my gifts. For example, this is isn't magic. I say pointing to a picnic I laid out for both of us.

Seeing the picnic made Ben even more hungry and his stomach started to growl.

- Let's dig in. He said

We both started eating while goofing around and catching up. After finishing eating, I went towards Ben and I sat on his lap to be closer to him. He started to stroke my hair while I ran my hands up and down his sides. We both just stayed in silence, just enjoying how close we were together.

After a few minutes, I thought it was time to give Ben his first gift.

- Ben ?

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