Christmas joy

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Hey guys, so I have one more surprise for you guys : As a Christmas present, I decided to make a chapter filled with a bunch of Christmas scenes I see bal doing. I hope you enjoy this special chapter and also, Merry Chirstmas!!!!!! And Happy New Year !!!!!!! With that said, you may now read this wonderful chapter.


1) Cute Mistletoe moments : Ben loves keeping a mistletoe in his pocket. Whenever he gets the chance, he hangs it on top of Mal and then he showers her with kisses.

2) Ben and Mal cuddle on a love couch while drinking hot chocolate together in front of the fire.

3) Ben and Mal both wear matching Xmas pjs on Christmas morning.

4) Ben spoils Mal with his presents. ( Ideas of presents Ben would give Mal : a necklace, a promise ring, books, photos of both of them, painting supplies, love letters written and hand made by himself......)

5) Ben and Mal always sing Christmas songs together while ball- dancing in the snow.

6) Ben and Mal always make Christmas cookies together. Usually, it ends with a food fight and Belle yelling at them for the mess they made.

7) Mal and Ben have a lot of snowball fights. ( And Ben always loses 😂😂)

8) Belle reads Christmas stories to Ben, Mal and Beast on the night of Christmas eve.

9) Every year, Belle, Beast, Mal and Ben have a "who can make the best Christmas dinner" competition. It's girls vs boys.

10) On her third Christmas, Mal had a meltdown when Chad told her that Santa Claus doesn't exist. And then Ben kicked Chad's butt for ruining Mal's Christmas hopes.

11) Mal and Ben have this tradition where every Christmas-Eve they both get cuddled up in bed and watch a Christmas classic together while eating a lot of junk food.

12) Ben loves taking Mal to the French side of Auradon. They both usually have long romantic walks while hearing Christmas carolers. Sometimes Mal spots interesting stuff in stores and of course, Ben always buys them for her. And they always end there walk by having a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant together.

13) On her first Chirstmas, Mal didn't have any jackets, so Ben landed her his old jacket. The next year, Ben wanted to buy Mal her own jacket, but Mal just wanted to wear Ben's jackets.

14) One week before Xmas, Mal makes a calendar for the upcoming year and she fills them with pictures of her favorite moments with Ben. For each month, she uses the picture where they had the most fun on that month.

15) After they got married, Mal would make a festive breakfast in bed for Ben on Christmas morning.

16) Ben and Mal love having long walks around Auradon to look at the Christmas lights.

17) Ben and Mal both decorate the Christmas tree together. When it's time to put the star on top, Ben lifts Mal on his shoulder and Mal puts the star on it's place.

18) Ben and Mal love going ice skating together. Fortunately for Mal, Ben is a pro at ice skating, so Mal had a good teacher.

19) Every year, The four vks, the four aks, Belle, Beast and Hades all do secret santa. Ben and Mal always have a contest on who can come up with the best present for there receiver.

20) Every Christmas, Mal and Ben go and watch the Nutcracker. The first time Mal saw that show, she fell in love with it, and so it is now one of Ben and Mal's tradition to go and watch it every year.

21) Every year, Ben and Mal go to an orphanage in Auradon and they sing Chirstmas songs for the orphans.

22) During one Chirstmas, Ben's family invited Elsa and Anna for dinner. Let's just say, Mal got a heart attack when she saw Olaf. The idea of a walking and talking snowman still scares the living daylights of her.

23) When Mal was new to Chistmas, she didn't know how to wrap a garland around the tree, and so she accidentally wrapped herself around the tree. It took about half an hour of Ben "patiently" trying to untangle her.

 It took about half an hour of Ben "patiently" trying to untangle her

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(This is what I meant, and yes, it's from a Liv and Maddie episode)

24) One thing Mal loves doing on Chirstmas eve is looking at Ben's old Christmas memories. Belle and Mal love looking at Ben's baby pictures. At first, Ben got embarrassed by it, but he soon got used to all of Mal's teasings.

25) Other than watching Christmas movies, Mal and Ben both love getting all cuddled together to read Christmas books. Ben's bookwormi-ness ( if it's even a word) is rubbing off on Mal and now, she is pretty much obsessed with reading.

26) Ben's favorite presents that he receives from Mal are her paintings. For Christmas, Mal likes being cheap. I mean, it's the thought that counts right ?? Mal usually paints a picture of her and Ben and she writes a very long and sentimental love letter for Ben. It's easy and comes from the heart ;)

27) I don't know if it's really Christmassy or not, but imagine Ben and Mal going to a winter carnival and then they're is a ferris wheel. Since Ben is a daredevil, he beggs and beggs Mal to have a go on the ferris wheel. After a lot of pleading and his famous puppy eyes, Ben finally managed to make Mal accept to go on the ferris wheel with him. Ben being Ben, wanted to be all romantic and stuff so he kissed Mal when they were on the very top of the wheel.

28) On Christmas eve, Mal and Ben give each other ornaments. But not just any ornaments, inside of the ornaments, there's a picture which shows a memorable moment they had during the year.

29) Each year, Ben and Mal save a special gift that they got for each other and they open it on Christmas eve when it's just the two of them. That way, it makes the present more special.

30) On New Year's, Mal and Ben both make there new year resolutions together. That way, when one of them sees the other making a resolution they can't keep, they warn them ;) ( example : one year, Mal promised that she will maintain herself to two strawberry bowls/week. When Ben saw it, he directly crossed that from her list)


There you go !! I hope you loved all those cute scenarios. And again, I hope you have a very merry Christmas !!!

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