My happily ever after

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Nobody's P.O.V

Ben was currently in his dorm room, looking at the school field from his window with big sad eyes.

He was looking at Mal talking with another boy. Of course, they were both talking in a friendly matter and nothing more. From what he can hear, they were both talking about some upcoming science test.

Usually, when Ben saw Mal talking with other boys, his inner beast would take over him and he would start becoming a "little" jealous. He didn't like it when all the boys from school kept gawking at Mal as if she was a piece of meat. He would usually wish that those idiots would just stop staring at her legs and start staring at Mal's huge, purple ENGAGEMENT ring, signifying that she is already taken.

In short, he didn't trust boys in general

But today was different.

He didn't think about how much he hated seeing Mal with other boys.

It was the opposite

He thought about how good Mal looked with other boys.

He knows that it's really wrong to think that way, but he couldn't help but realize how Mal will be so much happier with another guy.

He was mentally kicking himself for thinking that, especially because they were now engaged. He shouldn't be having concerns about there relationship anymore.

He spent all his time telling Mal to not underestimate herself and that she was the best girlfriend he could have asked for. Mal gave him everything he needs, wants and much more.

But does he give her the same attention??

Ben feels as if he doesn't spend enough time with Mal. He knows that Mal is very patient with him because she knows that he is the king and that he has a lot of responsibilities. But he can tell, that she was getting a little annoyed because of the lack of time they spent together. And he knows that Mal isn't a big fan of his royal status. Every rare time Ben and Mal go on dates together, they always get attacked by reporters.

That's why Ben always thought about how Mal could be so much happier with another guy.

A normal guy, with a normal life, who gave her the attention she deserved.

That's all he wants for her. He only wants her to be the happiest woman alive and he would give up anything for her.


Even there relationship if it's what will make her happy

But the thing is, that another part of him kept reminding him that Mal was very, very happy with him.

Why the hell did I even propose to her if I keep doubting myself. Ben kept thinking.

He looked at Mal and the other boy one last time before turning his attention back to his work.

Mal's P.O.V

I was currently on the school field, talking with one of my classmates, David. We were both talking about a science test.

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