Her goofball

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Hey guyzzz!! I'm so happy to be sharing this chapter with you guys. As you guys might have noticed, I started posting, along with my bal one-shots, the roleplays I do with my friend zebrapuppy101. So it feels nice that I FINALLY got the time to finish my own one-shots. And with that said, I hope you enjoy this cute n fluffy bal chapter;)


3rd person's P.O.V

I'm so going to get you back. Mal thought as she glared at Ben.

- It's not funny !! Mal muttered.

- It is actually ! You should have seen your face. Ben shrieked as he continued laughing while rolling around on the floor.

- You're so annoying, Mal muttered as the memory of Ben's prank came back to her mind.


- Mal dear, I have a small surprise for you. Ben said cheerfully as he walked inside Mal's room.

Mal looked at Ben and saw that his hands were behind him, meaning that he was hiding something behind his back.

- What's the surprise? Mal asked eagerly.

- This !! Ben exclaimed as he showed Mal a plate with a strawberry shortcake on it. "I know you're still annoyed at me for cancelling our movie date because of my meeting yesterday, so I decided to buy you a few sweets as a sorry and to cheer you up. Ben said as he went towards Mal's bed. When he arrived near Mal, Ben smiled at her and wrapped his arm around Mal's body before placing the plate on her lap.

- Dig in, Ben said as he picked up the fork and gave it to her.

Mal eagerly grabbed the fork and dug it into the cake. From a short distance, Ben smirked.

He eyed Mal carefully as she started eating the piece of cake and his smirk grew bigger when he suddenly saw Mal freeze.

- BENJAMIN !! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ?!? Mal yelled as she quickly took a napkin and threw the cake in the trash, which turned out to be a sponge covered in strawberry frosting.

- It's spongebob square pants. Ben laughed as he pointed towards the sponge in the trashcan.

- You think this is funny? Mal muttered.

- Very much. Ben chuckled.

- URGHHHH!!! Mal groaned as she ran towards the bathroom.


- I hope you know that I'm so going to get you back. Mal said as she smirked at Ben.

Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now