Our Holiday wishes

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3rd person's P.O.V

It was a cold winter day in Paris. Mal was currently sitting on the couch of her dorm, looking at the window.

She smiled sadly as she admired the city of Paris, covered in snow.

It was the month of December, one week away from Christmas. Everywhere you went, the Christmas spirit would follow through the city.

Mal continued looking through the window with sad eyes.

This was supposed to be mine and Ben's third Christmas together. But now, it's not going to be that anymore. This year, it's only going to my Christmas. Mal thought.

Mal and Ben were supposed to celebrate this Christmas together, as usual. But things didn't go the way they planned.

It's been one year since Mal and Ben broke up, One full year of pain and heartbreak.

Mal and Ben often find themselves thinking back about the day they broke up ; They both got into a fight. It was bigger than any one they've ever had. Mal had been offered a scholarship to an art school in Paris, which was VERY far away from Auradon. Without talking to Ben, Mal quickly accepted the offer. I mean, she got accepted to the best art school in the world, why would she reject the offer? Mal thought that Ben would be happy for her, but she guessed wrong. Yes, Ben was happy for her. Why wouldn't he be ? But at the same time, Ben was heartbroken and nervous. He was afraid Mal would meet some new guy and forget about him and Mal was going to be gone for one year ; he knew he would miss her enormously. Because of that, Ben kept fighting and fighting about it, trying to make Mal change her mind about attenting that school. Eventually Mal got tired of it and he lost Mal.

Mal thought she would be happier when she arrived at her art school, but she never did. She missed Ben too much. She hasn't seen him for one year and it hurt her badly. And it's the same story for Ben. They miss each other uncontrollably.

Mal's P.O.V

After awhile of staring outside at the snow, I sighed sadly. Oh how I miss Auradon, How I miss Ben.

I stood up from my couch and made my way towards my drawer. I opened it and pulled out a blue and golden picture album. It was an album I received from Ben on my first birthday in Auradon. I decided to use the album to stock pictures of mine and Ben's Christmases that we celebrated together.

I started to think back of all the fun things we did together.

I looked at the cover of the album, which was a selfie that me and Ben both took, right after Ben explained to me what Christmas was. He was so understanding and patient with me. I smiled as I started to think about that memory.


- You look very happy? Mal noted as Ben walked into her room.

- I am he confirmed and he walked up to her bed.

- Any particular reason? She asked.

- Well, I just checked my calendar and I just realized that next week is December" he added excitedly.

- Ok, and why is it so exciting? Mal asked slowly.

Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now