The king and the god (part 2)

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This is the second part of the Ben/Hades one-shots. I saw that a lot of you guys loved the first part, so I hope you like the second one just as much ( or maybe more, we never know 😉)


In this one-shot, Ben and Mal are having a perfect romantic movie night together................that is until Hades shows up !!

- Finally we get a moment of privacy. Ben said as he wrapped his arm around Mal's shoulder.

-Yeah ! We can finally get away from all the distractions. Mal said as she laid her head on Ben's chest.

It was nightime in Auradon and Ben and Mal were currently both watching a movie. To be precised, they were both watching Bohemian Rhapsody, a movie about an old band called Queen. ( If you watched the movie, go follow Living_on_my_own. )

- So, what do you want for dinner ? Ben asked her as he started to stroke her hair.

- Ummm.......STRAWBERRIES !! Mal exclaimed.

Ben laughed at her.

- We can't have strawberries for dinner hon. He chuckled.

Mal angrily groaned.

- How about we order pizza ? Ben asked, trying to calm her down.

When Mal heard the word "pizza", her face lit up.

- Okay ! Let's have pizza AND strawberries for dinner then. She said happily.

Ben smiled and called the pizza place to order there pizza.

- The pizza will be here in a few minutes. He told her.

Mal smiled before going back to cuddling Ben. She rested her head on his chest and Ben rested his head on Mal's head. They both stayed in this position as they continued watching the movie. Although, none of them were that focused in the movie. They kept interrupting each other by talking, laughing and kissing ( more like making out). Plus, they both saw the movie a thousand times since it's Ben's favorite movie, so they weren't really focused.

At the same time

While Ben and Mal were watching there movie, Hades was walking around the castle. As he was touring the living room, Hades heard the doorbell ring.

Belle and Beast weren't in the castle and Mal and Ben were to busy having fun upstairs, so Hades decided to go and open the door.

When he opened the door, he saw a pizza guy holding an extra large box of pizza.

- PIZZA !! Hades yelled in joy.

- Bonjour my friend, here is the pizza that you ordered. said the pizza guy in a weird French accent.

- I'll take that !! Hades said as he violently took the pizza box out of the delivery guy's hands.

Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now