Lights! Camera! ACTION!

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3rd person's P.O.V

- There you are! Ben exclaimed as he squeezed Mal into a hug.

- Yea! Sorry I'm late, I thought we had to meet at the usual building, not the new one. I went to the wrong place. Mal explained as she hugged him back.

- It's fine, you were only a few minutes late. But lucky for you, the workers aren't done placing the cameras and mics yet. Ben reassured her.

- Good. Do I look okay? She asked him as she spun around herself to show Ben her outfit. She decided to go simple today so she wore a purple turtleneck, long sleeved top and a not-too-short denim skirt.

- You look perfect, Ben told her. "As always", he finished as he winked at her.

- Why thank you! I'm just glad Evie didn't make me wear one of those girly dresses. She said as she scrunched her nose at that thought.

- Well I prefer you in leather anyways. Ben told her with a smirk, which made Mal giggle.

- And you look really handsome as well. Mal said as she looked at him up and down with a smile.

To her surprise, Ben wasn't wearing his normal formal attire today. Instead, he wore his favorite blue and yellow shirt, a denim jacket and a pair of good old jeans.

Before Ben could respond to her, all the lights flicked and the camera and backstage men got ready behind the sets. That only meant one thing; It was time for Ben and Mal's interview to begin.

- That's our cue, Ben informed Mal as he pulled her towards the interviewing set. He led her towards the middle of the room where there was a long sofa waiting for them. As Mal sat down, her eyes grew wide once she saw that the table in front of them had plenty of plates filled with candy. She was going to take one, but got stopped by Ben who nodded his head towards a tall woman, probably in her 30s who sat down on a chair, across Ben and Mal. Mal quickly recognized the woman, who turned out to be none other than Princess Snow White.

- Are you ready your majesties, Snow asked them.

-Ready as we'll ever be! Mal and Ben replied.

- Then let's get this show on the road! Snow said cheerfully.

- LIGHTS! CAMERA! AND.........ACTION! The producer yelled.

- Hello everyone and welcome back to Auradon's top RoyalTube channel: "Apple-y ever after", where we get real with our favorite stars! Snow said to the camera. "Today, we have two very, very special guests; Presenting his royal highness, King Benjamin, along with his consort Lady Mal!"

At that moment, the camera zooms towards Mal and Ben and they both wave to the camera.

- Hello fellow citizens of Auradon. It's an honor for Mal and I to be interviewed on this very big platform. Ben said, with his charming smile.

- It truly is. Especially because Evie and I have been BINGE-WATCHING your show. Mal said, looking at Snow-White.

- Awe! Thank you so much. I'm glad that you two are liking the show, Snow beamed, which made Mal and Ben chuckle at her.

Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now