What I am thankful for

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Hey guys, I know, I know.... I promised that the next chapter would be a dovell one. I am working on one currently, but I have a little bit of trouble coming up with ideas. And since I am done writing this bal chapter early, I decided to just post it so you guys can read it. But, the next chapter will probably be a dovell, although I am not making promises

Also, I just wanted to tell you, before you read this chapter, please be my guest and look at the picture on top. It will surely put a big smile on you face. After you finish smiling and laughing and making this picture your wallpaper, you may proceed and read this chapter. 💙💜


3rd person P.O.V

It was the month of November, a few days left until Christmas. Everyone was very excited for this holiday ( as usual), but they weren't only talking about Christmas, they were also talking about a smaller holiday, called Thanksgiving.

From the window of her dorm, Mal could see a big group of kids fuzzing about them having some sort of dinner with all there friends and family for the occasion. Since it was only her first year in Auradon, she was still trying to fit in. Auradon was very, very different from the isle. One of those differences is that, unlike the island, Auradon had plenty of special occasions that she never knew about.

How many holidays does Auradon have ? Wasn't it Halloween like a month ago ? Mal thought.

She kept listening to the conversation, hoping to know more about this thanksgiving holiday, although, Mal was soon caught from her thoughts when she felt a pair of warm,strong arms wrap around her. She instantly recognized those arms and started smiling.

She then blushed when she felt the soft lips of her boyfriend on her cheek.

Mal turned around so she was now facing a very happy Ben.

- Hello Ben. Mal said smiling

- Hello ! I see you were in deep thoughts. Ben replied, also smiling.

- Actually, I was. I was listening to this conversation about some holiday called thanksgiving. In fact, I've been hearing a lot about it since a few days. Care to explain what the whole fuzz is about ? She asked him.

-O ! Ben chuckled. So you were eavesdropping people's conversations. I guess you are much more mischievous than I thought you were. He teased as he started poking Mal's sides.

- And you, my king, are wayy more annoying than I thought you were. Mal said playfully as she shoved Ben's hands away, making Ben laugh.

- But, that wasn't my point. Seriously, what is thanksgiving. What's so important about it ?

Ben stayed silent for a bit, trying to think of a short and simple explanation for Mal.

-Well, to put it in short, Thanksgiving is a very special holiday. On this day, you cherish what you are thankful for and you invite your friends and family to have a big feast. That's why everyone is talking about dinning together. Ben finally explained.

Mal thought about it for awhile.

- Thanksgiving is to cherish what I am thankful for................like you ? She asked ?

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