An act of love

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Hey guys, so this chapter is a bit different. It's basically an alternative version of the cotillion scene from descendants 2. I hope you guys like it ;)


That's it. Mal thought

At this point, Mal had had enough, she was devastated.

Seeing Ben with Uma, looking at each other so lovingly, had been the breaking point for her.

Seeing Ben put her ring on Uma's finger and seeing him Ben dancing to 'Kiss the Girl' with Uma instead of her made her tear up.

Ben was by Uma's side instead of her.

And it broke Mal's heart.

This was supposed to be her night. She was supposed to be introduced as Ben's lady of the court. It was supposed to be her happy celebration. But this celebration turned out to be anything but happy.

It was supposed to be her and Ben, not Uma and Ben.

Her worst enemy on the Isle, with her boyfriend.

Mal had seen enough. She needed to leave. The last thing she wanted to do is turn into an emotional wreck and cause a scene.

Grabbing the bottom of her dress, Mal made her way up the stairs, her friends following behind.

Ben's parents tried to stop her, but she ignored them.

Once at the top of the steps, Evie placed a comforting hand on her best friend's shoulder, and gave her a sympathetic smile.

"I'm so sorry, Mal."

Mal shrugged, not looking Evie directly in the eyes. She figured something like this would happen. Besides, she was a Villain Kid. Villains never get a happy ending. It was only a matter of time before she realized that.

Jay then joined in the conversation, placing a hand on Mal's other arm. "You want me to drive you back to the Isle?"

Mal thought about it. She didn't want to stay on this yacht, she certainly didn't want to see what would happen next between Ben and Uma.

Ben was really the only reason for her to stay in Auradon, and now she didn't even have him anymore.

An idea then popped into Mal's mind and she shook her head at Jay.
- No, I'm staying.

Jay removed his hand from Mal's arm with a confused face. "What?"

- I'm not staying here that's for sure. And I'm not going to the Isle either. There's somewhere else I wanna be.

Jay was about to question Mal but she didn't give him a chance.

Without saying another word to any of her friends, Mal made her way off the yacht, leaving her friends confused. They were about to follow Mal, but stopped at the last minute. It's probably best to give Mal some space, it's what she needs at the moment.

Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now