To Paris, with love ( Part 2)

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3rd person's P.O.V

- So, what's today's plan ? Mal asked.

It was Ben and Mal's sixth day in Paris and there vacations were coming to an end, much to Ben and Mal's disappointment.

They were currently in the lobby, in front of the main door of the hotel.

- Well, today I decided to show you around the neighborhood where I was born ; I'll show you my mom's old house, the library where she always used to go and other important places of my childhood. Then, I'll bring you to the Eiffel Tower and we will have dinner at a restaurant on top of the Eiffel Tower. As for the rest of the day, you can decided what you want to do. Ben explained with a smile.

- Sounds really interesting. I can't wait. Mal said as she started jumping up and down. She was about to open the door, but Ben stopped her before.

- Wait, I forgot something in my drawer. I'll be right back, just wait for me in here. Ben said as he suddenly remembered something.

Thinking that he just forgot his wallet, Mal simply nodded and she stood in front of the door, waiting for Ben.

Ben quickly climbed the stairs. When he arrived in his and Mal's room, Ben ran towards his nightstand and opened one of the drawers.

Inside, a small black box was placed in the center. Ben took out the small box and he carefully hid it inside the back pocket of his pants. He then took a deep breath before he left there room and started walking down the stairs to join Mal.

- Hey, I'm back, are you ready to go ? Ben asked.

- I was born ready. Mal said as she intertwined her hands with Ben's.

They both got out of the hotel and started walking towards Ben's neighborhood, which was about 10 mins away from the hotel.

As they were walking, Ben continued talking about France's history to Mal. He talked about every touristic sites in France and he taught her a lot about the french culture. He even told her about all the french legends and myths.

All along, Mal listened carefully to Ben's explanations. She was very impressed by how much Ben knew about this country. She guessed that he must have learnt all of those informations by all the reading he does.

After about 5 more minutes of walking, Ben and Mal finally arrived at there destination.

- Here it is ! Ben exclaimed happily "My old neighborhood"

Mal looked around the place with fascination in her eyes.

-'s so beautiful ! Mal said as she looked around "why would you ever leave this place ? If I lived in Paris, I wouldn't leave for anything in the world. Mal said as she continued looking at the beautiful houses.

- Well, I never wanted to leave my old house. We had to move to Auradon when I was five since my dad got elected as king. Sometimes I wish we just stayed here. Our lives would have been way more calm and less stressful. Ben sighed.

- Well, think of it this way ; if you didn't move to Auradon, you never could have invited me to Auradon. Mal said as she tried to make Ben feel better.

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