The exchange student

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3rd person P.O.V

It was a Monday morning and Ben was heading to his chemistry class with a huge smile on his face. Chemistry is the class he is always looking forward to because he has this class with Mal and to make things better, they sit next to each other.

Although, his smile quickly fell the moment he stepped into the class.

There, on his seat, sat some guy. The guy didn't notice Ben because he was talking to a girl with purple hair ( I wonder who it is ???...)

He went near the duo and cleared his throat to get the boy's and Mal's attention.

Mal and the guy quickly stopped talking and looked at Ben. When Mal's eyes landed on Ben, she quickly smiled at him.

She was about to speak, but Ben had something to say before.

- Excuse me, but this is my seat . Ben said to the boy, trying to be as polite as possible and hide his anger.

Mal was about to answer, but someone said something before, AGAIN.

This time, it was the teacher who spoke.

- Actually, this is Prince Eric, Princess Anna and Prince Kristoff's son. He's in a student exchange programm and will be attending this school for a week. Fairy Godmother thought it would be a good idea for Mal to show him around since she knows how it feels like to be a new student in a classroom. And so, Eric will be sitting next to Mal for the whole week and you, your majesty will be sitting next to Audrey. She told him.

Not sure how to react to this, Ben looked at the teacher, then at Eric and finally at Mal.

Finally, he sighed and went to his new seat for the week. It was 2 tables away from Mal and Eric's table.

When he arrived to his new seat, he saw Audrey smiling really big and batting her eyelashes at him. He knew exactly what she was trying to do. She's played this game so many times, but as usual Ben ignored her.

He had other things in his mind. He looked towards Mal and "Eric's" table and started examining them carefully.

The bell didn't ring yet, so students were still talking.

He watched as Eric said something to Mal and he watched how Mal laughed at whatever he said. He then saw Eric wrapping his arm around Mal's neck and he watched in shock as Mal just let him do it. Mal never let's other guy touch her. It already took her one month for her to get used to Ben hugging her. How come she just lets this unknown boy wrap his arm around her like that ??

Ben turned slightly red at the way they both interacted together. He then let a small growl escape his mouth.

Although, it was loud enough for Audrey to hear.

She looked at Ben and saw that he was fuming at something. She followed Ben's gaze to see what he was looking at and her eyes fell on Mal and Eric.

She instantly knew what was happening and smirked.

- You know Benny Boo, I think Mal and that cutie Eric would go so well together. I dont know how you and Mal ended up together anyways. I mean, she isn't your type at all. And you're not her type either. She's the daughter of the worst villain so she's into bad boys, not goody teoshoos like you. So why don't you let Eric take Mal away from you and we can get back together. It's what's best. Audrey said as she tried reaching for Ben's hand.

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