Dovell : Movie night gone wrong

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Today was Friday, Dove and Mitchell's favorite day of the week because Friday is usually there movie night.

- What do you want to watch sweetheart ? Mitch asked Dove as they both cuddled together on the bed.

Dove was peacefully sitting on Mitch's lap, while Mitch was holding the tv remote on one hand and his other hand was securely wrapped around Dove's waist and he gently rested his chin on Dove's shoulder.

Dove thought of it for awhile, before answering.

- Let's watch the whole descendants trilogy.. She beamed happily.

- Awesome ! The movie that brought me and the love of my life together ! Mitch exclaimed happily before starting to put descendants on the TV.

But before he could finish, an idea popped into Dove's head, causing her to stop Mitchell.

- MITCHELL, WAIT !! How can we have movie night without snacks ? She asked him.

- Oh ! I almost forgot. How about we eat some lucky charms while eating the movie( I swear that guy has a crazy obsession with those damn cereals). Mitchell offered smiling chickily.

Dove playfully rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's silly obsession.

- Mitch, I don't want us to eat breakfast as a snack for our weekly movie-nights, you silly boy. She teased him.

- your silly boy. Mitch flirted , smirking.

- Hmmm......Correct. She flirted back before giggling.

- So, what should we eat ? How about I make us something to eat ? I could make my delicious home made cupcakes. It wouldn't take that long to bake.

Mitch was about to nod, but stopped when he started to feel a little mischievous.

- You know, I'm pretty sure my cupcakes are way better than yours. He said, grinning at Dove and wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Dove let out a snort at his comment.
- Yea ! Yea ! Remember what happened the last time you baked something ? The last time you cooked, you put salt instead of sugar to make cookies. And how did that end up ? Dove said smirking. Mitch was in charge to make some sugar cookies for the whole cast and Kenny wasn't so happy when he tasted them.

Mitch rolled his eyes, thinking about that memory.

- Well, that was a little accident. I got distracted. He explained.

- Distracted by what ? Dove asked, still laughing at the memory.

- By you, obviously. He teased her.

Dove playfully slapped his arm.

- Well. I am still the better cook in this relationship. Mitch teased Dove.

- Ha ! Anybody will know that I'm the best cook.

- How about we have a baker's off to see who actually is the best cook of this relationship. We can see who makes the most delicious cupcakes. Mitch dared Dove.

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