The king and the god

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This is a bit different than my usual bal one-shots. This one shot will be based on Ben and Hades's relationship. ( But there will still be some bal fluff)

Hope you love this funny n cute chapter 😁😁


Starts off right after d3

Everyone was having the time of there lives at Ben and Mal's engagement party. It was the end of the party. A lot of people were starting to leave, but the four vks, the four aks, Belle, Beast and Hades stayed.

Currently, they're was a slow song playing. In the center, Mal and Ben were both swaying to the music together, with Mal's arms wrapped around Ben's neck and Ben's arms were on the bottom of Mal's back. They were both looking at each other lovingly and time to time, they giggled together when Mal stepped on Ben's foot by "accident". It was a little chilly outside and Mal was only wearing her short, sleeveless purple dress. So, she pressed her body closer to Ben's, wanting to feel his warmth. Ben happily pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead as they continued dancing together.

- So how does it feel like to be finally engaged with me ? Ben asked Mal in a teasing manner.

- was really unexpected. Mal laughed.

- Well, I gave a you a clue about it the other day. Ben told her with a smirk.

- Really, when ? Mal thought aloud.

- Well the other day, I told you that some day, I wanted to get married with you and that I knew we had a future together. Ben reminded her.

- O yeah ! Mal said as she started to remember the day where they had that conversation.

- Well even then, I didn't expect you to actually propose. Mal said smiling at him.

- Well you're not supposed to know. A proposal is meant to be a surprise. Ben chuckled.

Then, they both started staring at Mal's beautiful engagement ring lovingly. Ben took Mal's hand and pressed a sweet kiss on top of the ring.

They both laughed at the action and continued dancing happily together as fiancee's.

After awhile Doug and Evie had to leave because they had to finish some homework they forgot about.

Jane's foot started hurting a little bit because of all the dancing, so Carlos decided it would be safer to call it a day for them and they went back to there dorm together.

Jay got a little bored at the end so he left as well.

And finally, as much as they wanted to stay, Belle and Beast had a little errand they had to do, so they left after bidding there goodbyes to Ben and Mal.

This only left to 3 people : Hades, Ben and Mal. ( 😱😱)

Speaking of Hades, let me tell you what he is doing right now: He was at the snack table. When Hades saw that there was a chocolate fountain in the beginning, he completely freaked out. And so, that explains why he is currently tasting different kind of foods covered in chocolate.

Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now