Golden Holidays

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Hi guyss! So it's been a long, long, time since I last posted a chapter. Since it's Christmas, aka the day of giving, I decided to thank you all for reading my book by gifting to you guys a nice Bal Christmas chapter. I'm such a nice author, aren't I?

So in this chapter, you'll see Ben showing Mal some Holiday traditions.

I also added a few funny scenes here and there.

(Warning: This was a pretty rushed and last minute chapter, so it may or may not suck)

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! You can vote or comment to let me know if you liked it. It's free!


~Decorating Ben's room:

- So what's this whole Christmas thing everyone's talking about? Mal asked Ben, who were laying on the bed with Ben's head on top of Mal's lap.

- Well to put it in short, Christmas is celebrated all over the kingdom on the twenty fifth of December. On that day we exchange presents and we spend the day with our loved ones. If you are religious, than you are also celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. He explained.

- You exchange presents? Like on birthdays? Mal asked.

- Well yes, December is the month of giving. But you do so much more things on Christmas than what you do on your birthday. On Christmas, we play outside in the snow, decorate the Christmas tree, bake treats, decorate gingerbread houses, go ice skating, feed the reindeer, do secret Santa,listen to carolers and classical Christmas songs, see the Christmas lights and much more. Ben exclaimed and he grinned widely, already feeling the Holidays Spirit.

- Woah....that's a lot of stuff. Mal breathed out. "Are we really going to do all of those things?"

- Yup! I'll make sure you, Evie, Jay and Carlos get to experience all the fun Holiday traditions. Well, except maybe sitting on Santa's lap. We're a bit too old for that and I don't really like the idea of you sitting on another man's lap. Even if he's a chubby old guy with a white beard. Ben said, which made Mal laugh.

- I've heard about Santa on TV! I heard he gave coal to bad kids. But when I saw that I didn't even get any coal, I stopped believing in him. Mal told him.

- Yea, that's how the story goes; presents for the good kids and coal in the stockings of the kids on the naughty list. I was about ten when I stopped believing. I snuck downstairs to see if I could see Santa and instead I saw my dad putting presents under the tree. It broke my childhood heart, but I never said anything about it. My parents probably just think I outgrew Santa. Ben explained to her, which made Mal laugh again.

- Well, enough chit-chatting. I'm about to show you your first Christmas tradition: you're gonna help me decorate my room! And with that, Ben leaned under his bed and took out a big cardboard box.

- Decorate your room? Isn't that a bit childish? Mal asked.

- You're never too old for Christmas decorating! Now come on, let's start with my mini-Xmas tree. Ben said before placing the tree at a corner of his room and he demonstrated to her how to add the ornaments and garlands on the tree.

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