A twist in destiny

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Hey !!! So I present you a brand new chapter. This chapter is really long...........so if you guys get bored while reading it, then I completely understand. Although, if someone does falls asleep while reading this, then I hope you at least disrespect me in a nice way by dreaming about good stuff. For example bal 💜💙. But anyways, I suggest you read this until the end because the ending is going to schock you. Listen people, I.AM.MAKING.HISTORY.IN DISNEY.

So yeah, with that said, I hope you enjoy this beautiful Ben and Mal one-shot ;)


3rd person's P.O.V

- He's so adorable, Mal said as she and Belle both giggled together.

Mal and Belle were currently in the library at Castle Beast. They were both comfortably sitting on a beanbag, while looking through Ben's baby pictures.

- I remember this one day where me and Adam were doing some paperwork. And then, Ben started getting upset that we weren't spending time with him, so he refused to take his bath and he kept running around the castle naked. Belle said, laughing as she remembered that time.

- NO !!, said Ben, in a blunt way, in his cute baby voice.

- Why not ? You have to take your bath Ben. Do you want to be a dirty prince and stink ? Asked Miss Potts, who was Ben's nanny.

Ben nodded his head ad he crossed his arms around his tiny and bare chest.

- I want mommy and daddy to play with me, I don't want to take my bath. He said as he stuck his tongue out to Mrs.Potts.

- Well, they are busy right now. Mrs Potts said, as she tried not to giggle at how cute Ben looked.

- Well, I'm not taking a bath until mommy and daddy play with me. Ben said.

Before Mrs.Potts could do or say anything, Ben quickly ran out of the bathroom, (with no clothes on)

- BENJAMIN !! COME BACK HERE !! Mrs.Potts yelled, as she started chasing after Ben.

Ben giggled as he ran down the stairs quickly. He started running around the castle multiple times, which made Mrs.Potts very tired and she stopped running after Ben to take a little breath.

Finally, when Ben knew he wasn't getting chased by Mrs.Potts anymore, he started running towards his dad's office. He then went on his tippy toes and he turned the doorknob and opened the door.

- Hello mommy, hello daddy !! Ben said as he entered the room. He quickly went towards Belle, jumped on top of her lap and he started hugging his mom tightly.

- Ben ? Why don't you have any clothes on ? She asked.

- He was supposed to be taking a bath, although, that stubborn little child won't budge until he plays with you both. Mrs.Potts explained, as she came inside the room, panting hardly from all the running.

Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now