Our Holdiay wishes (part 2)

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Mal's P.O.V

I was currently at the airport nervously. It was Chirstmas Eve and I was waiting for my plane that was going to fly me to Auradon. If there weren't any technical problems, then I should be at Auradon just in time for Christmas morning.

I started smiling as I was waiting for my plane. I was going to board my plane in exaclty 15 minutes. Yes, I was nervous to go back to Auradon, I haven't been there for one year and other than Evie, Carlos and Jay I haven't really spoken to anyone much, so I didn't know what to expect. Although, at the same time I was really excited. I couldn't wait to see all my friends...................especially him.

My sponsored year is over, so that's why I am returning back to Auradon. Although, I did a little bit of changes with my schedule and finally my boss let me go back to Auradon just in time for the holidays. Evie was the only person that knew that I was coming back to Auradon for the holidays. Nobody else knew, so I was pretty excited to see everyone's face when they learnt that I was back.

Suddenly, the intercoms started saying that it was time to get on the plane.

I quickly got up from my seat and ran towards the line. Auradon, here I come.

12 hours later

Finally, after a few hours of excitment, my plane landed.

As I got out of the airport with my suitcases, I saw Evie running at me.

- Hey M !! I missed you so much, she said as she hugged me tightly.

- Hey E, I missed you too. I missed everyone. I said, as I hugged her back.

When we both pulled away from our hug, I signed sadly. I haven't seen Ben for one whole year. Who knows what happened during that year. Maybe he already forgot about me. He probably already replaced me. I wouldn't be shocked if he had a new girlfriend. I thought.

- You know..........Ben has been a mess since you left. He doesn't smile or laugh anymore. He doesn't even eat that much anymore, so don't be surprised when you see that he lost a little bit of weight. He really misses you Mal, Evie said after awhile.

I smiled a little when I heard that. Maybe I could still fix things.

- I wish we could talk more but I really have to go to beast Castle. I need to see Ben. I told Evie.

I watched as Evie squealed happily and she quickly dragged me to her car.

- Bal is getting back together, Evie squealed, making me laugh.

I really hope this is going to work

One hour later

- Thank you so much E. I told Evie as she parked her car at beast Castle.

- No problem, now go and get Benny Boo back. She said with a smile.

I laughed at the nickname and gave her one final hug.

I was about to walk towards Beast Castle, but suddenly I stopped in my tracks.

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