Love attack

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Today was a very sad day

It was a very, very tragic day

One of the most dramatic days of the year


Today, Ben was SICK !!!

" gasp"

Mal was currently rushing towards her boyfriend's room. She had a bach of homemade chocolate chip cookies ( with no love-potion) in her hands. When she reached his door, she saw Belle.

- Hi Mal ! She greeted her.
- Hi Belle ! Mal answered before hugging Belle.

When they broke the hug, Mal saw the worry in Belle's eyes.

- Are you okay Belle ? She asked her.

Belle nodded
- I'm fine, although Ben isn't. He has a very high fever. And when Ben is sick, he acts like a little baby. He doesn't listen to anybody. He doesn't want to take his pills and he doesn't want to eat. All he's eaten today is a little piece of bread and that's all. I really hope he would listen to you, Mal. He's been dreading for your visit ever since this morning. She told Mal.

- I promise I will do my best to make Ben feel better. I'll try to make him eat these cookies. I put walnuts in them, his favorite. And he will take his medicine rather he likes it or not. Mal assured Belle.

Belle smiled at Mal. She was such a happy mom to know that Ben found a girl that cares about him so much. She knew as a fact that Ben will always be happy by her side and that it would never change.

Belle gave Mal a few instructions ( like when Ben should take his medications ) before giving her another quick hug and leaving

After Belle left, Mal slowly oppened the door to see a tired and very ill Ben laying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

Mal slowly approached him. She placed his cookies on his nightstand.

- Hey Benny ! I heard you were sick. Mal said when she was right next to Ben.

Ben looked at Mal and smiled at the sight of his sweet girlfriend.

- Well if doc said that I couldn't get up from my damn bed for one week and that I have to take some stupid medication, then I guess I am sick. He said with a weak and annoyed voice before starting to pout.

Mal started to understand what Belle meant when she said that Ben acted like a baby when he was sick.

- Well, even if you are sick and you cannot do much, you still have me by your side. She said with a smile before kissing Ben's cheek.

- Mal don't kiss me. Or else you are going to get sick too. And I don't want you to get sick, because I don't want you to feel the same shit I am feeling right now. He said.

Mal just laugued at how cute he was being right now. She didn't want Ben to talk too much. He needed to rest if he was willing to get out of his bed.

- I brought some chocolate chip cookies. How about you eat one. I heard you haven't eaten much. Mal offered him.

- Are they spelled this time ? Ben asked with a smirk.

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