Dovell : Camping date

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FINALLY !! A DOVELL CHAPTER !! I really hope you guys love this dovell one-shot. It wasn't easy coming up with ideas for this one. To be honest, this one-shot isn't that great...........but it's all I got. ( So deal with it 😁)

This is just a chapter of Dove and Mitchell having a relaxing and romantic date in the woods.

3rd person's P.O.V

It was a beautiful summer afternoon. Outside, it was sunny and you can hear the birds chirping.

Because of this beautiful weather, Dove and Mitchell both thought that it would be really nice to go camping together.

The sound of just the two of them, in the beauty of nature sounded like a perfect date plan for both of them.

And so, that explains why they were both now packing for there camping trip.


- Ok, so I have our sleeping bags, the tent, a first aid kit, a compass, rain jackets, flashlights, campfire supplies and food. Is that all we need ? Mitchell asked as he checked his backpack.

- I think you forgot something really important. Dove told him with mischievous eyes.

- Oh, yeah ? What did I forget ? He asked her as he re-checked his backpack.

- ME !! You forgot about me, silly. She laughed.

- Oh really ? Mitchell chuckled. I didn't think you were that useful for the trip. He joked.

Dove playfully hit him in the chest.

- Unless, you want to sleep with bears all by yourself during the night, I say that I'm a pretty important essential for you.

- Wait a minute, they're are bears over there ? I checked the place out online and it said that they're weren't any bears. Mitchell asked with a pale face.

- I'm only kidding Mitchell. Geez, you're such a scaredy cat. You're just like your character Ben. Dove joked as she picked up Mitchell's backpack and started leaving the room to go to the car.

- Hey ! He whined." I am not a scaredy cat and FYI, Ben isn't a scaredy cat either ( is so), he is braver than any prince in Auradon if you didn't know. If you payed attention to the movie, you would know that his in-laws are Maleficent and Hades, and that's pretty scary." He defended as he started running after Dove.

- If you say so. Dove answered back before kissing his cheek and getting inside the car. Mitchell followed Dove and sat on the driver's seat. He started the car and they were on there way to our camping sight.

As usual, Mitchell drove with one arm. He had one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand was locked with Dove's hand. ( 💜💙)

As Mitchell was driving, Dove turned on the radio.

And what a coincidence, Did I mention was playing on it. Dove and Mitchell both smiled at the song. Mitchell started humming to the song. Dove laid her head on Mitchell's shoulder, which was followed by Mitchell resting his head on Dove's head.

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