Dovell : Meeting again

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Dove's P.O.V

I was currently rushing towards the Disney department. Today was the day where I was finally going to meet the whole cast of descendants. I already know my high-school friend, Sofia Carson is going to play Evie. I'm mostly excited to meet the guy playing King Ben, I know that he would be my main co-star, so I would have to spend most of my time with him. I'm hoping he's going to cool to work with.

When I finally arrived, I rushed towards the room where Kenny told me to go. When I got there, I saw plenty of people. Some where familiar like Sofia, Cameron and Booboo, my high school friends.

I started looking around the room more. The room was filled with all cast members, the choreographers, the back-up dancers and much more.

Although, there's one person that caught my attention. It was a guy, but not any guy, that guy looked really familiar. I started staring at his brown hair, they looked so familiar. It was the same shade of hair from someone I knew. I couldn't see the man's face because he was turning his back at me. I walked towards his direction and lightly taped on his shoulder. When he turned around, our eyes met. I felt as if I already saw these beautiful hazel eyes, except I couldn't put my finger on it.

The guy also looked like he knew. We just kept staring at each other until it hit me.

- Mitchell ? I asked slowly

- C...Chloe ? He said back

We continued staring in each other's eyes until I fully remembered. The guy in front of me was none other than Mitchell Hope, my childhood best friend.

- MITCHELL !!! I finally yell

- CHLOE !! He yells back. He must've recognized me too, because he picked me up in his arms and he span me around, making me squeal. When he put me back down, we both laughed.

- You know each other ? Cameron asked

- Yes, Mitchell and I are best friends ever since we were babies. We were inseparable, until Mitch turned 17 and had to leave for Australia. We haven't seen each other since then.

Cameron nodded and then went back to his conversation with Brenna.

- You changed so much Chloe, you became a very beautiful woman. He said, which of course made me blush.

- Thank you. But you know you can call me Dove, right ? I asked him.

He just nodded.

We continued talking and we caught up on what we missed these few years

After rehearsals

Still Dove's P.O.V

After rehearsals, me and Mitch decided to have a walk together. I couldn't help but keep staring at him. He changed so much from the last time I saw him. Although, my feelings for him never changed. I always had this ridiculous crush on Mitch ever since we were kids. And now that I see how handsome he got, that crush is increasing by the minute. And to make matters worse, his arm was wrapped around my waist, making me blush intensively because of how close we were.

Mitch's P.O.V

I kept staring at Dove. WOW ! When we were kids, I knew she was beautiful. But now, she is an ANGEL !!

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