Don't leave me again

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Mal's P.O.V

It's been 2 months since me and Ben broke up. It was a very hard decision to take. We broke up a few weeks before graduating. We made that choice because of the lack of time we spent together. Ben couldn't be by my side when I needed him the most because of his kingdom anf that annoyed me. We tried to stay friends, but things started to get awkward between us, so we took our distances. We both attend 2 different colleges, so we barely see each other. I thought this break-up was what I wanted, but turns out, I'm more hurt now that I don't have Ben with me. I couldn't move on. Sometimes I just wish we didn't take that decision. It breaks me to know that I can't be with Ben anymore. After our break-up, Ben dated a few girls because since he is king, he needs a queen. Although, he never got official with any of the girls. All the times I saw Ben with another girl, tears always formed in my eyes. I just couldn't let Ben leave my life. I am so broken without Ben. At first, I always cried myself to sleep on the first days, but that habit never stopped. I will also always found myself staring at my wallpaper( Picture above) It was a photo of me and Ben back when we were 16, at his coronation. It's the only thing I have left of him, and I didn't want to waste what's left. So I didn't want to change my wallpaper.

Why am I still missing you Ben ? Why ? Why can't I just move on ? I just lost the most precious thing I own !!! Nothing will ever fix me ever again.


Ben's P.O.V

It's been 2 months since the incident. Since the day, my heart shattered in a million pieces. Ever since that day, I never smile. All my joy was taken away from me. All I do is cry. I hate myself so much for not being able to spent my time with her. Mal had all the right to break-up. She deserves all the love she can get. I can't believe I didn't give her all my heart.

Curse you, stupid kingdom. Curse you father for making me rule this kingdom so young.

Dad even forced me on dating other girls. Except, I can't. My heart belongs with Mal. Only Mal. She already stole my heart and nobody can steal it back. I started dating Rapunzel's daughter at first. Her name was Ruby. I dated her for 2 weeks, but that was enough to know that she is exactly like Audrey: a snobby princess that just used me for fame. Then, I started dating Jewel, Sultan Jasmine's daughter. She was a kind girl, but she was missing something, like every other girl in Auradon. Something is missing in them. And only Mal has that something in her. After these 2 girls, I just stopped searching. I just want my Mal. Why did we even have this stupid argument? Why did we break-up. All I want to do right now is to snuggle with Mal, see her beautiful face, tell her how much I love her and hear her tell me how much she loves me back. Instead, here I was, in my bed, crying out all the tears I had in my body. Not that I had some left. I opened my phone and started staring at my wallpaper. ( It's the same as Mal's, so basically the picture on the top). We both looked so calm together. So happy. God knows what I would give to get back this happiness.

All of this crying, yelling and pain makes me think: Why am I still missing her so much ? Does she miss me back. Will I ever be happy again? Or will my heart always stay with Mal ? This break-up broke me completely. I never thought a girl could make me feel like this.


Nobody's P.O.V

The next day

School was over and Mal was wondering around Auradon city. She somehow found herself walking in Belle's garden, so she was near Ben's home. When Mal finally realized how close to Ben she was currently, she started to panic. She quickly made her way out of the garden and started walking away from the castle. She was so deep in thoughts that she didn't even see 3 strange figures heading towards her. It was only when one of the figures launched towards her, that she realized she was in danger. One of the 3 figures smashed her on the wall, while the other one held a knife near her throat. Mal was paralyzed by fear. Normally she would fight back, but she was to shocked and frightened at the same time, which was taking away all her strength. She decided to not make a move, because she didn't want to make the men mad. Who knows what they would do to her then ?

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