What does love feel like ??

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Before you start reading this chapter, look at the picture on top. It will surely put a smile on your face and make your day wayyyyy better :)


3rd person's P.O.V

Mal was currently pacing around her room. She was filled of emotions, mostly confusion. It's been 2 weeks since Ben's coronation.

You might've thought that everything was fine between Mal and Ben since then, that they are a healthy couple now.

I mean, they are. Don't get me wrong. They are very, very happy together. Ben truly loves Mal from the bottom of his heart and he would do anything for her. Ever since he met Mal, a new light has penetrated his world.

Mal feels the same way. She was much happier with Ben by her side. She felt different around him, in a good way.

Although, she still thinks about her first date with Ben time to time. To be precised, she mostly thinks about something that Ben asked her. After Mal jumped into the water to save Ben, Ben asked her something. It was a small question. A very simple yes or no question. Although, for her, that question seemed like the most complicated question ever. It was a very important question and it always bugged her ever since the coronation.

Ben asked her if she loved him. And she answered that she didn't know what love felt like.

Mal thought that after getting official with Ben, she would know what that strange feeling felt like. Although, she still questioned herself.

She knew that Ben meant a lot for her, that he made her feel really happy and that she never wants him to leave her. But does that mean that she actually loves him ? Or does she just like him ? She knew that Ben loved her, but did she really love him back ?

A part of her always told her that of course she loved him. She always had and always will. But another part of her questionned it. And it was driving her crazy.

Because of that, she decided to talk to Ben about that. He did tell her that he would teach her what love felt like so she shouldn't feel ashamed to ask him this question. She started going to the tourney field, knowing that Ben would be there since he had practice.


After a few minutes, Mal arrived at the field. But when she saw that the field was empty, she frowned. The practice must be over, so she decided to wait for Ben near the boys locker room.


At the same time

Ben and the rest of the boys were all changing in the boys locker room. At a corner, Carlos was nervously fiddling with his shirt. It didn't take long before Jay and Ben noticed his nervousness.

- Are you okay man ? You haven't been talking for awhile and you look really nervous. Ben said to Carlos.

Carlos ignored Ben's question.

- Hey Ben ? How do you know when you are in love ? Carlos randomly asked him.

- Why do you want to know ? Jay asked Carlos, confused.

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