Love of my life

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This happens right before d2. Imagine whatever happened in d2 didn't actually happen. This is one-shot is just what I wished could have happened in d2.

3rd person P.O.V

It was a normal sunny morning in Auradon. Everyone in Auradon were outside, enjoying the wonderful weather.

Although, it was a little different for Mal and Ben ; They were both currently at Beast Castle, in Ben's office.

Ben was doing his weekly paperwork. Mal wanted to help Ben at first, but when she took a look at his papers, she didn't understand much. His papers were all about Auradon's politics, something that Mal isn't familiar with. She doesn't even know much about Auradon for starters, so she highly doubts that she will be much help for Ben.

And so, that explains why Mal was currently sitting on top of Ben's bed, looking at the window.

She was looking at something in particular : the isle.

Mal found herself staring at the isle a lot recently. Mal knew very well that she shouldn't be thinking so, but sometimes, she couldn't help but miss her fun and villainy life she had back on the isle. The isle is part of who I am, so why feel ashamed for missing it ? Mal kept thinking. Life was way easier on the isle. At least then, people didn't count on me to be this perfect lady of the court. I didn't need to learn how to dress fancy or how to act during balls, all I had to do on the isle is gave fun and chill like a villain.

Mal kept thinking about it, until she got cut from her thoughts from Ben calling her name.

- Mal ? Are you okay ? Ben asked her from his desk.

Mal looked towards Ben's direction and smiled.

- Yeah, I'm fine..........I just have a lot in mind these days. She admitted.

She didn't know how he does it, but she never manages to hide things from Ben. The moment she looks at his handsome face, half of her mind starts melting and her mouth just starts talking on it's own. At the same time, Mal knew very well that she could trust Ben. No matter how bad things got, she knew Ben would always have her back.

- Well, how about you tell me what's on that mind of yours ? It could help you. He offered. He then got off his desk chair and started walking towards Mal's direction.

Mal watched carefully as Ben sat near her, on top of his bed. He then, carefully took Mal's hands in his own and squeezed them lightly, meaning that he was waiting for her to speak.

- It's nothing actually....It's really not that important.....just forget about it......go back to your paperwork, it's way more important. She told him.

Unlike other times, now, Mal couldn't tell Ben what was on her mind. What is she supposed to tell him ? Hey Ben, guess what ? I miss the isle and I miss my old roots. Being a princess is too hard for me, so I want to go back to my old mischievous self ?

Even though that's what she wanted, she couldn't tell Ben. She knew that it would disappoint Ben, and that's the last thing she wanted to do. All Mal wanted to do is make Ben proud ; Mal knew that she was a disappointment to her mom, but she could bare that feeling. But just thinking about disappointing Ben, made her heart burn.

Bal/Dovell One-Shots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now