Bal : headcanons

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Hi guys !! I just wanted to let you know that this chapter is different than usual. This isn't a normal chapter. Instead, I decided to change things up and write a few cute and funny scenarios that I think will happen to Ben and Mal

And thank you zebrapuppy101 for giving me ideas to write this chapter !!!!

1. Right after descendants 3.......

Ben and Mal would always excite each other by saying "we're soon getting married." And then the other would say " SAY THAT AGAIN" and then they would repeat and repeat and they would squeal together and get all mushy and excited. ( yes folks, Ben can squeal like a girl and Mal always makes fun of him)

2. Whenever and wherever they are, they're hands are always linked together.

3. Ben loves to put little presents in Mal's locker. Mal's gotten everything she could imagine of. She has a huge pile of everything he got her : little plush dragons, boxes of strawberries , little charms for her charm bracelet, flowers and even simple love cards. The other girls always gush about it and think it's super romantic and the guys teases him about being the cheesiest boyfriend ever. Although she really appreciates it and thinks it's super sweet of him.

4. Whenever Ben drives, he drives with one hand. ( DON'T WORRY, BEN IS A GOOD DRIVER) With his other hand, he hold's Mal's hand. Whenever Ben makes a driving mistake ( for example, look at her, instead at looking at the road), Mal scolds him ( ex : Benjamin, pay attention on the road !! What type of king are you if you cannot behave yourself while driving ??). ( Mal calls Ben 'Benjamin' whenever she scolds him, or when she is annoyed or mad at him'

5. Since Belle comes from France ( if you didn't know), Ben can speak a little french. He isn't fluent because he was born in Auradon and not in France, but he still understands the language and can speak french a little. ( But he has a cute accent, kinda like Dove). Because of that, Ben sometimes teases her and says 'Je t'aime' to her ( which means I love you in french). Of course, at first Mal didn't understand what it meant and at some point, she started thinking that he was insulting her. Ben was just laughing the whole time as he continued saying 'Je t'aime' and blowing air kisses at the V.E.R.Y confused Mal. Although, he quickly explained to her what 'je t'aime' meant when she was about to beat him up with her purse.

6. Ben tries to teach Mal French. Surprisingly, Mal is a very fast learner. Ben is really impressed on how quickly she learnt to speak, but what impressed Ben the most is how Mal picks up on his and his father's favorite curse words. Ben and Beast always curse in French because then, no one will understand ( hopefully). Because of always listening them curse in french, Mal developed a habit of ranting and cussing people out in French. Ben is mildly impressed at Mal's creativity
-but his mother ? Not so much.

7. Right after d3, Mal moved into Ben's room. One thing she loves doing when Ben has a meeting or whenever he isn't in there room ( it technically became there room now), Mal likes to snoop around Ben's stuff and see if she can find interesting things. One day, she found Ben's diary in his underwear drawers. Mal being as mischievous as she is, decided to read his diary. She realized that the only things Ben wrote about were about Mal ( and sometimes his king work). She read all the nice and romantic things Ben wrote about her. He even wrote poems about her. After she was done ready his diary, she had tears in her eyes. As a thank you, she wrote a short, but a very loving and true poem about her love for Ben and she drew a picture of both of them on one of his diary's page. When Ben saw Mal's drawing and poem in his diary, he smiled really big. He didn't mind Mal reading his diary entries because they both tell each other EVERYTHING. Although, the only thing that confused him was why Mal was snooping in his underwear drawer

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