Rp 4: It's Not The End of the Story(After d3)

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Hey y'all! This is another roleplay that I did with zebrapuppy101! This scene takes place right after D3. When Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos ran back to the isle after D3.
What do you think would happen?
This is what we came up with!

Characters in this Scene






Ben: *running around the castle* Mal! Carlos! Evie! Jay! *looks around* Where are you guys?! *thinks to himself* Where could they be? Maybe they're still at the bridge....

(Ben runs to the bridge plaza, where their engagement party was just held)

Ben: Mal? Carlos? Evie? Jay? Mal, honey, are you here? *looks around and throws his hands in the air* Where did they go? Why would she go somewhere without telling me? She can go where she wants, of course, I just want to know where she is. What if something happened to them when we let the villains in Auradon? No, no, Ben. You can't think like that. They're strong, they can handle themselves. But where are they? Come on Ben, you're smart. You can find them. Wait a minute. *looks out at the Isle* I know exactly where they are. *starts running across the bridge*

Hades: (had been watching from a distance) Oh that love-sick boy....

(On the Isle)

Evie: I can't believe it. The barrier is actually open. This is what we've dreamed of our whole lives.

Jay: Yeah, it's crazy.

Carlos: Remember when I made a whole in the barrier with my machine? Back at my house almost 2 years ago.

Mal: Yeah, speaking of which, where should we go first?

Carlos: I vote for: not somewhere our parents are, just yet.

Ben: *runs up behind them and hugs Mal tightly from behind* I vote for: somewhere with your fiancé.

Mal: Ben! *turns around in his arms and hugs him* What are you doing here?

Ben: I couldn't find you after the party. And you know I have separation anxiety!

Carlos: *laughs* You're afraid you might lose each other for five minutes?

Mal: Says the guys who almost started crying when he couldn't find Jane in the grocery store.

Carlos: Hey, that's a sensitive subject!

*Everyone chuckles*

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