Rp 1 : Waiting and Planning

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Hey guys !! So as you will see, this chapter is a bit different and more special than usual. That's because this chapter is the product of a roleplay I did with zebrapuppy101. The scene you're about to read would have taken place in Descendants 3, right after the teams reunited and Jane, Doug and Gil had just left to find Fairy Godmother. This scene is basically what happens when the others are inside Evie's house, waiting until they leave that night to find Audrey.

What do you think they did during that time?

This is what me and zebrapuppy101 came up with! Enjoy!

Characters in the Scene:







*the group walks into Evie's house*
*Ben has his arm around Mal*

Ben: *whispers to Mal* Everything will be okay. I promise.

Mal: I know. *nestles into him* By the way, how did you end up with your beard in the first place ? Not that I don't like it or anything..........*caresses his beard*

Ben: It's a long story, and I don't like it. But I guess we have time; you need to know. So Audrey came into my room...

Mal: *eyes get wide*

Jay : She came into your room ?? Wow....creepy....

Uma : Tell me about it. Crazy cheerleader girl won't give it a rest until she gets what she wants, won't she ??

Ben : Don't worry, we'll stop her. Goodness always triumphs.

Mal : Yeah, well anyways, continue your story Benny boo. What happened next ??

Ben: Yeah.........well she was a bit handsy...

Mal: Excuse me? She was what now? *eyes Ben*

Carlos: *looks to Mal* Oh she mad now

Mal: Only I touch him.

Uma: TMI

Evie: No this is interesting

Jay: Evie!

Evie: What? We were all thinking it.

Uma: Not me

Harry: Not me

Carlos: Does it look like I want to know every detail of what my sister does with her man?

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