A happy beginning

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3rd person's P.O.V

As Ben straightened his tie, he couldn't help but feel nauseous. In less than a few hours he was going to get married to the love of his life. I can't tell you how many nights Ben dreamed of this day. Now that it's finally here, all he feels in his stomach...................are bees.

Alright, come down Ben. Stay positive. No need to worry. Everything will go just fine. Gosh! I don't remember being this nervous before proposing...

- Hey, are you okay? Ben heard, which made him turn around and his eyes landed on Hades.

- Yea, just worried. Ben admitted, which made Hades nod.

- Well your dad and the boys are in the garden, so I guess I'm in charge of pumping you up. Hades said before walking towards Ben. "So, what are you worried about?"

- I don't really know, to be honest. I guess I just want this day to be nothing less than perfect. And I'm afraid something will happen. Like what if I freak out? What if Mal freaks out? What if a random villain shows up and ruins everything? What if-

- Dude, chillax. Ha! Get it? Chillax? As in a mixture of chill and relax?......No? Okay back to the point; honestly Ben, you have nothing to worry about. Hades told him sincerely. "From what Adam told me, a man's marriage is one of the scariest moments of there life. But it's also one of the happiest. From today, you and Mal are going to be married and will be spending the rest of your lives being happily in love with each other. She will finally be your one and only. Just focus on that. And besides, all you have to do is say "I do". Pretty sure you can't mess that up. Oh! And you have to read your looooong vows. But that shouldn't be a problem since you spend hours gushing about how amazing Mal is. Hades joked, which made Ben chuckle. He then took a deep breath before smiling at Hades.

- Thank you. You calmed down my nerves a bit. Ben chuckled before throwing a sincere smile at his second father figure. However, Hades could tell that there was still something that was bothering the young boy.

- I can tell you're hiding something from me. You better tell me what it is, or else I will haunt down your soul for it. Hades taunted jokingly.

- It's just.......I'm not just worried about what happens today. I'm mostly worried about what happens after. After today, I will be Mal's husband. I'm obviously over the moon about it. But deep down, I also feel scared. Ben admitted.

- I get ya man. Being a husband can be a pain in the behind. Especially if you're married to a wacko like Malef-

Before he could finish, Hades got cut of by Ben giving him the "not helping" look.

- I want to make Mal as happy as she can ever be. Ben said, explaining further. "I want to always be there for her. I just want to give my everything to her. Because that's what she deserves; Everything." Ben said as he stared at a picture frame of him and Mal.

- But you already give Mal everything she can ask for. I'd say you even give her more than that. Hades cooed. "Look Ben, I know that ever since I stumbled into your life, you've been trying to prove yourself to me; to prove me that you deserve yo be with Mal." He continued.

- Did I? Ben asked hopefully.

- Of course you did! I see the way Mal always smiles when she's with you, and how you always make her laugh so hard that she starts crying. I see how you spend hours and hours cuddling her when she's feeling down and how you always get really worried when Mal's hurt, even for the smallest little accidents. I see how many times you call each other when you're not together and how tightly you two hug each other when you come back from a work trip. I see the way you care about each other, how much you love each other, how much you two make each other stronger, how much you guys are meant for each other. I can't imagine a better person for Mal to spend the rest of her life with. And I can't imagine a better guy for me to call my son. Hades told Ben with a huge smile which made a few tears roll down Ben's face.

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