New York, New York

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Like you lost your home and the shelter’s gone

And you’re stuck in the storm outside

Feels like you’ve gone blind and you can’t see life

But it’s right before your eyes

The wall keeps on turning

But we’ve stopped both on different sides

Our hearts keep on loving

It’s only a matter of space and time

Till we align - Nina Nesbitt

“I’m moving into my new apartment soon…” Taylor says, stirring her coffee with a butter knife. She wore a smile, like always, and I couldn’t help but slightly smile back.

I asked, “Is it the one here?”

“Yes.” She replies. “I think it’ll be the best decision I’ve made. The place is just beautiful. And the view? Spectacular.”

“That sounds great.”

It had been a week since I cowardly left for America. Days spent in New York with Taylor. Walking the streets and weaving in and out of shops. Nights in a hotel eating fresh cakes and enjoying a cheap glass of red wine.

I still haven’t called Nina and honestly, I don’t think I will. Not for the reason that I’m over it. Our new relationship, that is. It’s the fact that I can’t say what I’m feeling without me sounding like a huge idiot. Stuttering with words when you’re older looks foolish and that’s exactly what would happen if I did call her.

She probably wouldn’t take my calls anyway.

“What’s the matter?” Taylor asks, now. I shook my head. “You’ve been in a weird mood all weekend. Are you having-“

She was about to make a joke. I could tell by the way the corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly. Quickly, I cut her off, “Taylor, I’m okay.”

“You just don’t seem like yourself.”

I waited for her to go on. To relish in the fact that she noticed that something was different about me. But Taylor stopped, sipped her coffee, and blinked. Awaiting for my response. I coughed into my arm and slowly looked away from her blue eyes. My own eyes focused on the changing leaves outside.

“Ed,” Taylor smiles once I turn my head. She was moving past the seriousness of a worried best friend and back to the normal, simple chatting. “There’s going to be a huge get together tonight at my new place.”

I chuckled, “You aren’t even moved in yet. How are you going to throw a party?”

“That’s what makes it so fun! So different! It’s like a house warming party that really shows that it’s a new home.”

“Do you even have any furniture?”

“No,” Then her smile deepened and she nodded eagerly. “But I’ll get a couch in there before tonight and tables to put the food on! Come on… It’s going to be fantastic!”

“All by,” I looked down at my wrist. Glancing at my non-existent watch jokingly. “Eight tonight?”

“Maybe a little later than eight! I already told everyone about it tonight.”

“Who’s all coming?” I rolled my eyes playfully. “I thought you said a small get together.”

“Yes, Ed. A small get together. I invited close friends.”

It's Never Just Goodbye // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now