Fear The Mayans Daughter

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A gorgeous little girl around the age of 5 years old icy/snowy pearl/porcelain like skin, bright piercing glacier pale blue eyes and black hair stood before a little pitbull pup protectively and started throwing rocks at a few teenage boys that she caught beating the poor pup up not even two seconds before she started whipping stones at the boys she is the most feared and dangerous child in Oakland.... not because of the dangerous fire that burns red hot in her eyes or the fact that she's now tossing stones faster and harder than any baseball player in history or the dark angry stare she's now giving the boys who tortured a poor innocent pup for fun but because she is the daughter of the Mayan President Marcus Alvarez.... Muerte Alvarez was named after Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte (spanish for Our Lady of Holy Death) everyone thought the name fit her because she was born with a rare disorder known as albinism.... the story goes that Muerte was an unexpectedly unplanned birth Esai on the other hand was expected.... Muerte was born at midnight.... an hour AFTER Esai... and because she wasn't planned Marcus and Diana didn't have a name prepared.... Marcus was off on a job so he wasn't there for their birth so he couldn't help a very tired Diana with coming up with a name for the deathly white child.... when the nurse came into Diana's room to see if she had thought of a name the nurse saw the moonlight shining in through the window and the angelic glow of the baby in the sleeping woman's arm somehow made the woman think of Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte and Diana woke to the woman whispering "Muerte!"  in a low voice.... perhaps it was her still slightly foggy sleepy mind or something different that made Diana chose that as her daughter's name.... she is a rare and unique beauty who got teased a lot as a child for the fact that she was so ghostly white like a pearl, her eyes always moved rapidly back-and-forth and she would get in trouble by her teachers for not meeting their eyes at any given moment.... but the teasing didn't last long for she grew up doing whatever she could to become strong so that what people said about her would not hurt her as it was meant to not to mention her family.... both biological and biker club.... is a little too overprotective of her even though they know they didn't have to be especially after two pitbull's that she protected started following her around started to protect her.... she did it quite often.... protecting and taking care of the stray animals from anything and anybody without a care as to what might happen to her.... her mother Diana and father Marcus even allowed her to use their garage as a home/feeding station/vet clinic for them.... she named these two pitbull pups Rebel and Demon and they became members of the family and were trained as K-9's are trained to protect her.... she is the most loved by her family and feared by everyone else for many reasons one because she is Marcus' daughter, two because of her protective pit bulls and three because of her training to protect herself from those who teased her as a child.... and even though she was so feared many men tried to take advantage of thinking that the delicate looking lily-white skinned woman would be easy pickins but they were always proved wrong.... the men who TRIED to bed her may have ended in the hospital or dead if it wasn't for her father and brother who made sure that they never went anywhere near her.... not to mention her pups.... people tend to call her is "daddy's little demon".... I say demon because she was no princess.... she is a strong independent woman who a mind of her own who isn't afraid to tell people what she thinks or stand up for herself in any way.... the nickname is something her brother started.... though to be fair she always called him "esé" instead of his name Esai.... mainly because as a kid she could never pronounce his name properly and as they got older "esé" became his "affectionate" nickname.... even though she basically had nothing to do with the Mayan half of her family's life her father tended to go to her if he ever had an issue.... of any kind.... with the club.... he tended to "use" her and the way she read people as a way to know who in his crew was trustworthy and who was not.... she knew the business side of things as well and if she ever had an idea he would always take it into consideration.... at the age of 16 Muerte got the Mayan logo tattooed on her lower back with "daddy's li'l demon" written above it and was never afraid to show it off.... as a matter of fact she wore her "mark" with pride.... she is very family oriented and didn't like staying away for too long.... she played the protector of her family quite well giving up things she should have the pleasure to enjoy just to keep them safe.... she has worked many small odd jobs throughout her life but she mainly helps her father by working in the shops that were owned by the Mayans.... in her spare time she does custom paint jobs on vehicles of all shapes sizes and types in her fathers garage she calls it "her version of graffiti".... she even did her own Harley which just so happens to be a Knucklehead....

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