Having Fun!?!

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When Juice reached Muerte she was standing under a tree her hand balled into a fist as it laid up against it her arm stretched out so that her body was a few inches away from the tree as she bends forward trying to catch her breath he stood there unsure what to do and he hears her breath out the word "Mar-!"  so he calls up Marcus who answers after the second ring "do you have Rebel with you!?!"  Juice asks.... Marcus looks at the phone confused then he becomes concerned as Juice rambles on about what he just witnessed "we'll be over soon!"  Marcus tells Juice then he hangs up whistles for Rebel who bounds over to him somehow knowing that there's trouble just by the sound of Marcus' whistle the pup and the Mayan rush over to the Mayans Harley climb on/into their respected seats then drive off towards Charming.... "it's ok Muerte Marcus is on his way!"  Juice says in a soft voice as he gently touches her shoulder he remembered that her shoulder was her "safe zone" when it came to someone's touch and he knew she knew that he was there so he hoped that she wouldn't end up worse than she already is because he had touched her when she wasn't looking she nods then goes into a sitting position hugging her knees to her he sits down beside her unsure what to do then he feels her lean towards him and place her head on his shoulder he wraps his arm around her and holds her as close as she would allow him to too.... Marcus rushes over to where Juice and Muerte sat under a tree a few inches from the fundraiser Juice is the first to see him and he quickly stands up feeling him move Muerte looks up and sees her father with Rebel at his side standing before her she stands up and rushes into his arms then kneels down and pets her pup so he didn't think that he was getting ignored just because of the state she was in "let the Crows take care of him dad!.... Jax has his own lesson to teach him and it isn't going to be a pretty one!.... his name is Kyle Hobart he's a former member who still has his Reaper and I'm sure you know what that means!"  Muerte tells her father in a soft low voice Marcus nods "do you have some time!?!.... I'd like it if you'd stay for awhile!.... I don't want to be in that crowd while I'm in this mindset but if we could just stay here!.... at least until....!"  Muerte says "I always have time for you hija!"  Marcus replies hugging her shoulder and kissing the top of her head.... "Juan!.... could you uh....! let Bobby know I can't....! I....!"  Muerte says once she sees Bobby in full Elvis gear rush towards his booth Juice nods then he stands up and jogs over to Bobby "we really should go over and buy something huh!?!.... though I wanna stay away from the police booth that guy over there....!"  Muerte says to Marcus who chuckles at her first sentence then nods at her second he stands up then reaches a hand down to help her up "Rebel protect!"  Marcus orders Rebel walks at Muerte's heel as the three of them walk over to the booths Marcus knew that his daughter wasn't completely healed at the moment but she wasn't forcing herself either he knew that she must have been thirsty or maybe hungry for the first place they went to was one of the food booths.... Muerte hears Rebel bark excitedly as she and Marcus stood at the booth waiting for their food she turns her head to see who Rebel was barking at and sees Kenny and Ellie rushing over to them and she smiles a few seconds later she feels the two kids hug her hips and she teases as she turns her head from side to side looking from one kid to another and teases "now who are these strangers and why are they hugging me!?!"  she pretends to try and pry them off her "their stuck!.... I feel like an octopus' next meal!"  she teases and they laugh "maybe a crowbar will get them off me!.... you got a crowbar back there somewhere!?!.... no!?!.... ok then!..... OPE!!"  Muerte calls out "you are not using a crowbar on my kids!"  Opie teases as he walks over to where they were and stands next to a smiling Marcus with a smile on his own face "oh!.... you have kids!?!.... that must have been some....! never mind!"  Muerte teases Opie laughs "you wanna borrow Reb don't you?!"  Muerte asks looking down at Kenny and Ellie who nod at her with excited smiles on their faces "alright I'll make you a deal.... if you both promise to at least try to do one of the family activities here with your dad I'll set the Rebel free from his duty so you can take him along"  Muerte says Kenny and Ellie grin and pinky swear to uphold their promise "you're free Reb!"  Muerte says with smile and Rebel rushes off following Kenny and Ellie who had taken Opie's hand and dragged him away from the booth Opie turns his head and mouths "thank you!"  to her she smiles and waves at him "I'll be fine dad!.... I got you here with me!.... besides.... Ope's a little lost when it comes to what to do with his kids so he can get to know them and they can get to know him.... Rebel and Demon tend to help him out in that category when they go over to play.... five years away can be tough when you got young ones!"  Muerte says to Marcus who looked a little worried when she allowed Rebel to rush off like that "yeah!"  Marcus replies softly and he smiles as he wraps his arm around his daughter then pays for the food that had just gotten handed to them and they walk back over to the tree that they sat at before and ate.... Marcus watched as a bunch of kids came over to while he and Muerte were eating and he watches as Muerte ignored her plate of food just so she could pay attention to the kids "I have an idea!.... hey Juan.... can you get my airbrush and paint kit out of my saddlebag?!"  Muerte asks as Juice jogs over to them Juice nods then jogs over to where he parked her Harley.... a few minutes later Muerte had her own booth set up with a tent cover and everything....

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