🤴🏻👑King Whitey And His Court Martial

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Happy helps Muerte up onto the back of the truck Demon and Rebel hop in and stand beside them "you'll get him back on the way home grandpa

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Happy helps Muerte up onto the back of the truck Demon and Rebel hop in and stand beside them "you'll get him back on the way home grandpa.... I just don't want them getting caught in the crossfire I'm sure not everyone's gonna be watching where they shoot!"  Muerte tells Tig who looked disappointed when he saw both pups get into the truck and he becomes happy once again after hearing that.... Muerte had Rebel and Demon sit in the back of the truck even though they were both were eagerly ready and willing to join in "not yet you two!"  Muerte says calmly holding onto their collars as she senses their excitement and the pups calm down "don't worry boys you'll get our chance!.... the rats a coward!.... he'll be more concerned about his own life than the others"  she says petting them then walking back over to where Happy stands.... once the back door of the truck opens Piney and a few other Crows automatically start shooting "yee-haw!"  Muerte hears Piney shout and she chuckles shaking her head Happy kept Muerte harnessed to his chest by a clip on his belt so that if she were to fall he'd fall with her and make sure that she wasn't the one who got hurt.... he felt a little bad that she heard every sound from each shot he took from his hand gun as he held onto the corner of the truck and took each shot.... add that to her own hand gun and the semi automatic a fellow Crow had and she just might be deaf by the time they were finished.... not to mention her father was in the car they were targeting.... the first thing Muerte aimed for was the tire of the silver car her father was driving with Zobelle in the passenger seat once the truck stops Muerte unclips herself from Happy's last minute handmade harness and hops down checking on the Mayan Zobelle just about ran over as he escapes in the car that now had two blown out tires "go home dad!.... mom must be worried sick about the both of us and it would be best if at least one of us made it home! and unlike you I'm not going to allow this rat to escape the labyrinth!"  Muerte orders Marcus nods then he orders his men "let's go" Muerte looks at her father and says "you know you're buddy's an idiot!.... we practically gave away the fact that we were comin!.... sure y'all saw the Harley's but.... everyone knows Unser's practically a Reaper himself and his names pretty much written in bold print on not only the side but the back of the truck so he HAD to know there was a "surprise" waitin inside for him!"  Marcus chuckles Muerte walks over and gives him a hug and then he and his Mayans leave "all right boys.... let's ride!"  Muerte calls out to her pups who bark then hop out of the truck and jog over to their side cars and hop in Happy's eyes follow Muerte and as soon as he sees her walk over to Juice's Harley and climbs on behind him petting her pup then locking her arms under and around Juice's placing her head on his shoulder Happy nods at his "brother" and hops back into the back of the truck knowing full well that his "Viper" is now safe "go get King Whitie"  Clay orders as he climbs back on his Harley and they all ride off once again to go find Zobelle.... "I wonder just how smart the cheese is!.... I'm betting he didn't see the side cars hooked onto your Harley's!"  she whispers as they ride Juice laughs....

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