Shoot 'Em Up🎯🔫

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Everything went according to plan.... Donna played dead after getting shot with a drug that slowed her heartbeat and got covered in blood she now lives in a in a cabin close to Muerte's home.... everything was bought and paid for in full on the cabin.... Piney did as he promised and explained everything to Kenny and Ellie who were ok with playing along since they would all still be a family and will once be whole once more a little later on in their life after their dad finishes playing his part with the club never to return to that life ever again as he once again promised and this time planned on keeping the promise Rebel now lives with Donna.... mainly as a precaution just in case she was ever found and there ended up being some sort of retaliation or something.... so Muerte now only had Demon living with her and helping Marcus out when necessary.... "he always reminded me of Otto" Muerte tells Donna the day she found out that she was the "proud" new owner of Rebel Donna chuckles softly and says with a smile "yeah!.... I can see it!" Muerte laughs.... while Donna's "funeral" was happening Jax found Muerte sitting at his dads grave placing some black roses made of leather in front of the gravestone "I always wondered where those came from!"  Jax says softly with a chuckle "and why there are "copies" of them on other graves!?!"  Muerte replies half joking he laughs he sits down beside her "I remember your dad quite well he was the only other one besides Otto that I met as a child my dad's always been careful when it came to me meeting the rival crews.... very specific on who it was I met at any given time.... that is until I met Juan and he had no choice in the matter!"  she says she takes a good look at Jax who was chuckling and notices his bruises and she teases "please tell me the other guy looks worse!"  Jax chuckles then replies "sure if that's what you want to believe!"  she laughs he wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her close to him and she lays her head on his shoulder they sit in silence for awhile enjoying the quiet and each others company she notices Piney standing by a van then says "I'm sorry I took away your father son time.... but it looks like I'm not the only one who's going too!"  she points over to Piney Jax smiles at her as he turns to see Piney standing a few inches away Muerte gives Jax a hug then walks over to Piney and says in a low voice "time for the club to learn it's kings true colors!"  Piney replies "damn straight!"  then he says to Jax "time for a change".... Muerte goes with the guys to a meeting with Cameron and his son Edmond.... who kept staring at her.... it was her Jax, Juice, Clay, Tigg, Chibs and Half-Sack the men tested out the "hardware" while Half-Sack changed the target sheets Muerte's eyes never left Juice as he shot at the target and she became immensely aroused at the sight she turns to Cameron.... who she was introduced to the moment she arrived with the guys.... and asks in a playful tone "so Cam!.... where's mine!?!"  Cameron looks at her with a surprised expression on his face while Chibs stops shooting and yells teasingly "NO!!.... don't give her one!.... NEVER trust THAT girl with a gun!.... of ANY kind!!"  Juice asks "why!?!.... I think it's hot!!"  Chibs replies half teasing "you would!"  Muerte chuckles then teases back "damn!.... love you too Chibs!"  Chibs smiles and says "I know!"  Muerte rolls her eyes with a smile on her face and shakes her head Edmond who never took his eyes of Muerte notices that she never took her eyes off Juice and wondered if anything was "going on" between those two then he hears her beautiful voice say with a slight coo in her tone "Juice will share!.... won't you Juan!?!"  there was a suggestiveness to her tone as the one they call Juice replies with a smile "sure thing gorgeous!"  Edmond watched her walk in her casual yet sultry way over to the man and presses her body up against his back wrapping one arm around his waist and her other hand over his as it still holds onto the gun he was testing he saw her whisper something to him but with her lips so close to Juice's ear he couldn't read what she said.... not that he could read lips anyway...."the boy keeps staring at me!.... I-I....!"  Juice feels Muerte's soft lips and warm breath on his lower earlobe and his body quivers but the nervousness in her tone causes him concern he turns to face her and look her in the eyes and his finger accidentally pulls the trigger as he does sending a spray of bullets towards the center of the target paper that has a human like form displayed in the center of it.... if it was a real person every bullet shot would have hit the man in the heart.... "see she can't be trusted!"  Juice hears Chibs tease and he smiles her lips were close enough to kiss but maybe that was the idea he wants too he wants to soooo bad he also saw the way Cameron's son stared at her and it pissed him off everytime he shot the target paper it became the kid as well as those who beat, drugged and raped her though Cameron's son wasn't actually a kid he had to be around his (Juice) and her (Muerte) age but it didn't matter he knew he had to keep it all professional though all he wanted to do was beat the livin tar outta the idiot who still watched her even though she was with him now her body language showed what they felt for one another but it seems that didn't matter maybe he was imagining that Juice's body was HIS body Juice felt her teeth lightly pull on his lower earlobe and his hardened erection becomes even harder as his body quivers once more then he hears her say to Chibs over his shoulder as she still holds him close "at least I'm not as trigger happy as Tigger over here!"  Tig laughs then asks with a smile "are you sure about that gorgeous!?!"  Muerte replies "uh!.... pretty sure!.... THAT my dear Alexander was ALL Juice!"  Juice joins in as the other club members laugh and he could feel her smile upon his neck from the expression on Tigg, Jax and Chibs faces they knew and weren't any happier about Edmond's apparent staring and drooling problem....

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