She's Gone!!😭

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When Muerte found out that she was pregnant the first person she told was her dad the second was Juice himself.... sort of.... she rode up to Teller Morrow and jogged over to Lowell who wasn't a pledged member but worked within the auto shop and asks softly "Lowell would you go find Juan for me?!"  seeing the look of confusion on his face she "corrects" herself "Juice!.... I need Juice please!"  Lowell nods after wiping his greased up hands on a rag he heads towards the club to find the man in question.... or get her a cup of juice, after all she practically begged for it!.... from behind her Dog who was also working in the auto shop chuckles Muerte smiles and shakes her head then teases "he's gonna come back with a cup of juice isn't he!?!.... I hope it's cherry I feel like popping something!"  Dog's laughter grows louder as Juice walks in Dog nods in Juice's direction letting her know that he was there as Muerte turned to face Juice she saw Gemma watching them all from inside the office "you know I think I'd prefer the cup of juice!.... thanks Lowell! Muerte mutters under her breath and she walks past a very confused looking Juice and Lowell Dog bursts out laughing Juice finally sees Gemma in the office window and understands why Muerte left the way she did he turns and chases after her "Muerte!?!"  he calls out softly but she was already on her Harley and driving away he looks down at his own hand when he feels something strange laying within it and he sees a piece of paper and looks at it in confusion then he opens it up and reads the doctors report that was written on it his eyes widen and he runs towards his Harley and rides after her "what the hell happened there!?!"  Jax asks Dog once he walks into the auto shop Dog shrugs for he was just as confused as Jax was Jax looks into the window of the shops office and sees his mom staring at him and sighs then he takes his mobile out of his pocket and calls Juice once Juice answers Jax asks with a slight annoyed darkness in his tone "what did she do now!?!"  Juice replies with a soft sadness in his tone "it doesn't matter!.... nothing does!"  then he hangs up Jax looks at his phone even more confused than before he didn't just hear sadness in Juice's tone but anger as well and he had no idea what made Juice so angry all he knew was that his mother had something to do with it and it pissed him off..... "....people make my life to be harder than it should be as it is and to add her bullshit on top of that!.... I'm strong but even I can break! I may look like it but I'm not made of porcelain, I still have my limits....! I'm sorry Jax!.... I shouldn't speak of your mother like that!"  Muerte had told Jax a few days before says he chuckles "no!.... it's ok!.... I kinda enjoy your open honesty and don't give a damn attitude!.... we need more people like that!"  she chuckles then says "running on emotion alone is never a good idea!.... especially when you're unsure if any of it is real!.... he's.... confusing me!.... my heart!.... I can't live like that Jax!.... I would never do that to him so why is he doing it to me!?!"  she asks he wraps his arm around her shoulder and hugs her to his side "I don't know!" he whispers softly with a sigh "I do know he's an idiot for doing it though" he adds she chuckles.... a half an hour after chasing after her Juice found Muerte at the dog park watching her pups play with other pups while sitting under a tree on top of a picnic table with her father and brother sitting on either side of her he parks his Harley next to hers and jogs over to where the Alvarez family sits just as he was jogging over a herd of Harley's drove over to where they all were wearing Mayans kutte's once they see Juice heading in Muerte's direction each of the Mayans strut over to him with angry steps hearing the sound of motorcycles roaring behind her Muerte turns and sees the Mayans heading their way "Rebel, Demon protect!"  Muerte calls out Rebel and Demon rush over to where Juice is now standing staring at the very angry looking Mayans walking his way then he sees to very familiar pups stand before him protectively and growl lowly at their own family then he sees Muerte herself stand inbetween each of her pups and growl warningly "leave him alone!"  one of the Mayans asks "why do you protect him even after all he's done to you!?!"  then they hear Marcus say as he walks over to the group "it's best not to question and just do as your told!"  the Mayans back off and Muerte and her pups walk away and Juice watches them with sad eyes as they go to play with the other pups and their owners....

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