Snipe Your Way Outta This One

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"Hey Pine.... come take a ride with me!"  Muerte says as the guys come out of the club Piney looks at her oddly "don't worry Ope's letting me borrow his truck"  she tells him Opie chuckles Piney walks with Muerte as she heads over to Opie's truck Opie and Jax follow "he has the right to know Jax!"  Muerte says in a low voice as they walk Piney once again looks at her oddly as Jax nods Opie hands Muerte his keys then helps her climb into the truck "thanks grizzly!"  Muerte teases with a smile "I told you I'm a Viking!"  Opie teases back with a smile Piney chuckles.... Muerte drives to a park where she tells Piney her worries and the "plan" to make those worries disappear "Jax is the only one who knows.... he found out when he and Ope took me outside.... I told him my worries the other day when I went to Donna's and found them gone.... which I didn't think much of at the time for she could have just taken the kids shopping or to the park or somewhere.... then I heard that the Feds placed money in Ope's accounts and paid off his debt.... I tried to help before but Donna doesn't except "charity" so what I did give her was a "light" amount for "pupsitting" since the kids love it when Reb and or Dem are over there!"  Muerte tells him Piney chuckles "I just can't....! I know what losing Donna would do to Ope and the kids and I can't allow that!.... I WON'T allow it! but.... you're his pop!.... you have the right to know as much as he does what's bound to happen.... it's the aftermath of the plan that I worry the most about!"  she continues he pats her on the shoulder "she wasn't sure of me at first.... though I did show up at the door unannounced a month after he was released.... she probably thought I was some obsessed Crow Eater.... prez of the OFC.... Opie Fan Club or whatever!.... but she quickly became family and there's nothing I wouldn't do for family!.... even use the other members of the fam to help the fam!"  she tells him he chuckles then says "you're a good kid!"  she replies "I try!"  he laughs "you've seen it Pine!.... I've been different since the rape.... it isn't Juice pushing me away this time it's me pushing him away he's actually been trying to PULL me closer!.... I'm still not as strong as I used to be and he needs someone who's strong so he can stay strong.... this life ain't a easy one and Clay makes it even harder than normal to live in!"  she says "ain't that the truth!"  he mutters she laughs which makes him chuckle "poor Tig.... Clay's gonna use him as his main antagonist which is gonna make him gain an enemy he never wanted to begin with.... me!"  she says he laughs which makes her smile "Don knows the plan.... I'm just not sure how to explain it to the kids"  she adds "you leave that to me!"  he replies "yes sir!"  she teases with a playful military salute he chuckles "I better get you back huh?!.... Ope probably misses his truck!"  she says he laughs then they walk towards the truck climb in and drive back to Teller Morrow.... the next morning Muerte walks into the club to find it covered in Crow Eaters splayed around like bird shit on a windshield as a certain half naked one laying next to Juice who had his hand on her arm she rolls her eyes and shakes her head at the sadly familiar sight "what is it about blondes?!.... especially fake ones!"  and she hears Chibs reply teasingly as he wakes up on the couch "none are a sexy as you!"  she chuckles "I'm not a blonde!.... nor am I fake!"   Juice wakes up to the sound of her voice "mornin Juicey!.... he IS Juicey isn't he!?!"  she asks the Crow Eater who woke up to Juice's quick movements as he sat up when he saw Muerte "Muerte!?!"  Juice says with a soft, sad, hurt tone at the sound of her sarcastic bite "well I'm not so sure if y'all are hungry after all the fun you had straight into morning but I'm gonna make breakfast anyway!"  Muerte says ignoring Juice and walks into the kitchen Juice jumps up and follows her "let me help!"  he begs softly and without waiting for an answer he maneuvers around her helping her cook an assortment of breakfast food then serve it in silence with him constantly sneaking peeks at her as they work....

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