Koz Hap Told Me Too🗣️

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"So!.... which one rides with you?!"  Muerte asks Happy as they head to their Harley's "I mean they don't have to I can hook both their side cars up to mine if you rather not....!"  she continues with a hint of nervousness in her tone he chuckles then replies with a smile "I'll take the Demon!"  she smiles and says "alright!.... the side cars are over here if you want too....!"  he interrupts her by asking "should we wait till nightfall!?!.... the sun is....!"  she interrupts him by saying with a smile "that's why esé had a cover made for me.... and the pups.... sometimes I feel like I'm riding on a two wheeled convertible because of that!.... after all I do believe that my Harley's the only one with a hidden cover in the back saddlebag.... if that fails I always carry an umbrella.... besides with the way my eyesight is I'd rather not....!"  he nods and they walk over to where she said the sidecars were and they drag them over to their Harley's and she shows him how to hook it up "you wanna whistle for them or should I!?!"  she teases he smiles then licks his lips before placing the tips of his pointer finger and thumb up to them and blows a loud sharp whistle and both pups come running over to them they stop when they see one of the side cars hooked up to Happy's Harley and tilt their heads "it's alright you two.... just think of him as "daddy" for a week or so!"  she says with a chuckle in her tone Happy's cheeks become covered with a light blush hearing her say those words especially when she.... in a way.... called him "daddy" as Demon and Rebel rush over and hop into their respected sidecars that have built in water and food bowls "and just because Killa Cobra's worried about us!"  Muerte says with a playful tone as she brings the ceiling like cover that is connected to the side cars up and places it over the pups head making Happy chuckle as he watches her do her own as well then she climbs on her Harley "lead the way oh mighty Killa Cobra!"  she teases he laughs then walks over to his own Harley, climbs on and drives off Muerte follows close behind.... Happy was excited to be able to introduce Muerte to his mom and his fellow Tacoma Washington Reaper's that is until Herman Kozik laid eyes on her he knew that hunger it was the same dangerous hunger Kyle had in his eyes when he met her a hunger she HATES seeing in anyone's eyes that he hated seeing in their eyes he claimed her he swore he'd PROTECT her he just hoped that she wouldn't take it the wrong way....

One day Happy pulled Muerte into Church and lightly pushed her up against the table pressing his body up against hers bringing his head close enough that if you were far away it looked like he was kissing her his hands held her hip as she looked a...

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One day Happy pulled Muerte into Church and lightly pushed her up against the table pressing his body up against hers bringing his head close enough that if you were far away it looked like he was kissing her his hands held her hip as she looked at him confused his eyes wandered over to Kozik who was watching with a sad expression on his face and she looked over as well and understood she wrapped her arms around his neck and he smiled.... he came up with the idea to let everyone know just who she "belonged to" after three things happened.... one was the way Kozik looked at her the second was when a Crow Eater named Sarah put on a show for the club a day after Happy introduced her to everyone Happy had just come back from a job which he almost didn't go on because he didn't want to leave her alone in the club with Kozik and the rest of them but she insisted.... he took Kozik with him.... and when he came back he heard Sarah coo "hunny a girl like you could have the whole thing if you wanted!"  and Muerte reply in a soft voice that was holding back the anger she felt "excuse me!"  and she walks away passing Happy and Kozik without looking at them as she walks out of the club Happy turns and follows her out speeding in her direction as fast as his feet could carry him once he reaches her he lightly grips her arm and spins her around and hugs her for he didn't know what else to do at first her body stiffened but after awhile it calmed and she hugged him back then raised her head and looked into his eyes.... she knew that Sarah did it on purpose but she promised herself that she would be on her best behavior while in Tacoma with Happy not to mention she doesn't beat up little girls even blonde ones like Sarah.... the third was a random act of stupidity made by one of his fellow Crows who thought he was "charming" and could get her to bed him in a instant just by "flirting" with her with a "smile" on his face "hey there Sweet Butt!"  Muerte hears a mans voice coo from behind her in a way that made her skin crawl she felt him press his disgusting body up against her and she elbows him in the chest then spins around punches him in the face and at the same time knees him in the groin "don't you EVER call me that!!"  she growls with a low dark tone then walks away Happy and Kozik who were walking into the club at that very moment saw her knee the "poor" Crow where the sun don't shine Happy smiles and Kozik had a "that's gotta hurt!" expression on his face "that's my Vivacious Viper!"  Happy coos proudly and Kozik's eyes widen then they walk the rest of the way inside.... just as Happy predicted his mother fell in love with Muerte instantly Muerte sometimes left her pups with his mom when she went to the Tacoma SOA club with him any other time she'd stay herself and helped his mom out with whatever she couldn't do it didn't matter what it was Muerte would do it without complaint if it was outside work Happy's mom had her put on a wide brimmed hat and lots of sunscreen.... though Muerte usually did the outside work around the time that the sun went down or at least wasn't to high up in the sky that it would be so hot you could fry an egg on Happy's head.... Happy had laughed when his mom tried to embarrass him by showing Muerte his baby pictures for she brought her own baby pictures and embarrassed herself by showing them both hers which included a picture of what created her namesake.... the nurse that said she reminded her of Santa Muerte took a picture of her in her mothers arms with the moon shining down on her as a newborn baby.... Happy gently took it out of her hand as soon as he saw it "you can't get that as a tattoo my mom already has it!.... on her right breast so only dad has seen it.... I think....!"  Muerte teases Happy laughs "though seeing that I did your head do you think you could do my arm?!.... I was thinking about getting a Reaper and a Santa Muerte woman.... I'd rather have someone I trust do it than a stranger.... though I could always wait till I got home and ask Freddy....!"  she says softly "I'd love to!"  he replies "preferably before I went home.... that way I know for sure that it won't get ruined.... with as sensitive as my skin is I'd rather not take any chances!"  she says "we could do it now!.... I'll go get my kit!"  he replies with a slightly excited tone she looks at him with a surprised expression on her face as he gets up and walks away "so you do do some of those smiley's yourself huh!?!"  she teases he laughs.... a few minutes later after Muerte helped Happy's mom settle down for her nap leaving Rebel and Demon to watch over her she walks into Happy's garage where he had his tattooing kit all set up and ready to go she sits down in the chair next to him and takes off her shirt.... she has a bikini top on.... Happy's eyes widen then he smiles he was happy that she was starting to feel comfortable enough to do things like that around him without even the tiniest hint of nervousness "you promise to be gentle!?!"  she teases with an alluring tone "with you.... always!"  Happy purrs sliding his hand down her soft smooth arm and he sees her blush Happy starts to free hand a Reaper and a woman on the same arm he touched with the words "if love could have saved you" "you would have lived forever"  written above and underneath it "if you need a break...."  Happy starts and chuckles when he sees her roll her eyes at him "yeah!.... I should remember who I'm speaking too!"  he says with laughter in his tone "damn right you should!"  she replies with a straightforward matter of fact tone he laughs....

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