All In The Family👨‍👩‍👦

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Tig, Bobby and Happy were having drinks and Half Sack was serving "is it suppose to be that swollen?"  Happy asks "damn again Kip! really!?! how many times you gotta show that off!?!"  Muerte asks as she walks into the club the guys chuckle Happy walks over and give Muerte a hug "welcome home guys!"  Muerte says looking up at Happy with a smile as he wraps his arm around her shoulder "sorry I missed you all last night.... though I'm guessing that it was probably a good thing!"  the guys laugh "yeah it was!"  Tig says walking over to give her a hug "how's Juice and Chibs?!"  Bobby asks "a work in progress.... Chibs is awake but still not at full strength and Juice is still in quite a bit of pain.... Otto.... well he's Otto ya know?!"  Muerte answers Bobby chuckles then says with a smile "yeah.... I do!"  Muerte smiles then says "well I'll leave you to admire the swollen "beauty" I gotta get to work.... just wanted to come say hi.... though I wish I never saw that thing!.... I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks now because of it!"  the guys laugh and she walks away giving each of them a hug as she passes.... Muerte goes to visit Chibs at the hospital as Fiona was leaving and Gemma and Tara were whispering to each other from a little ways away when a woman walks past her grumbling about some dog not allowing her to get near her husband Muerte chuckles under her breath and whispers "so that's Fiona!?!.... not much to her is there!?!"  then she hears the woman ask rudely as she turns around to face her "excuse me!?!... just who do you think you are!?!"  Muerte replies coolly "the owner of the pitbull you were muttering obscenities about!"  the woman looks at her (Muerte) her (Fiona) eyes search her up and down and she asks in a heated tone "aren't you a little young for my husband!?!"  Muerte lets out a short dark chuckle "age is just a number! what I find odd is that you call yourself Chibs' wife when you went crawling to and stayed with some other asshole instead of the person who still loves you and has never used you like the tool you are!.... I pray that your daughter never becomes anything like you!"  then she walks away without another word Fiona chases after her and grips her wrist and just like Muerte did to Gemma when they first met Muerte spun Fiona around pulling her arm back while pushing up against her spinal cord "don't you ever touch me again you stupid whore cause the next time you try I will break it!"  she growls then she pushes Fiona onto the floor and continues on her way to Chibs' room she turns back around and says to Fiona who still lays on the floor and is having a hard time getting up "by the way depending on whether or not he was awake Chibs knows the command to stop Demon from protecting him so maybe he just didn't want you near him!.... oh and one more thing!.... I think I might have dislocated it.... luckily you're in a hospital full of doctors.... let's see just how many are gonna care enough to help you!.... have a nice day Miss Larkin!.... I'd call you Telford but I can tell that you aren't worthy of such a gift!.... and don't you ever speak about my pup like that again!"  she once again turns around and continues on her way muttering "looks like you finally have something in common with the stupid bitch huh Gemma!?!".... when Muerte opens the door to Chibs' room Demon rushes over to her with a happy gait waking Chibs as he jumps off the bed "there's my beautiful death! he says with a happy laugh in his tone she walks over to him with a smile and gives him a careful hug "I am.... so sorry Chibs!"  she whispers "hey you!.... look at me!.... this isn't your fault alright?!.... don't go blaming yourself for this!"  he wraps his hand around her neck pulling her head towards his and placing her forehead upon his looking into her eyes as he speaks she gives him a half smile "first Otto and his eye then you and your head then Juice getting shived in the back while in prison.... what's next Chibs!?!.... what else in my life is gonna go wrong!?!"  she climbs up into his bed and carefully lays next to him on her side he holds her as close and carefully as he can "if it wasn't for Happy sticking around I don't think I'd be getting any sleep!"  she says softly he chuckles then asks with a smile "Hap's been takin' care of you huh!?!"  she shrugs then says "he does what he can.... no offense to Bobby.... I love the guy to bits!.... but sleeping next to a leather bound Elvis just feels weird!.... and Tig!.... whew!.... don't get me started on that one!"  Chibs laughs then sucks in a breath full of pain she gently sits up onto her elbow looking into his eyes she says soft sad tone "I'm sorry!"  he smiles then says gently "it's ok!.... come here!"  she lowers herself back down softly and lays her head on his chest gently "met your wife on the way in.... I don't think she likes me much!.... she said some not so nice things about Demon too!"  she tells him as she pets her pup.... who hopped back on the bed and laid next to her.... on the head he chuckles "yeah they didn't see eye to eye!.... he wouldn't stop growling at her everytime she came towards my bed!"  she laughs they chat for a bit then they both fall asleep his arm wrapped around her back holding her gentle and close and that is how Tara found them when she came to check up on him....

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