🧻💩🚽S**T Just Keeps Piling Up 🧻💩🚽

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Muerte goes with Jax when he goes to see Otto when they walk in a few of the prisoners were fighting and the guards were breaking it up Jax was about to bring Muerte closer to him to protect her but when he heard her lightly chuckle he smiles and wraps his arm around her shoulder instead as they wait for a clear path Otto smiles when he sees his daughter and she and Jax walk over and sit down "arranged a little entertainment"  Otto says as they take a seat "aww that was so sweet of you Uncle Otto!.... see Jax, that's how you show someone you love them!"  Muerte teases playfully punching Jax lightly in the shoulder and he chuckles "white on white? what's that about?"  Jax asks Otto "our Aryan friends are getting a little choosy about who they burn crosses with something's trickling in from the top of Mount Whitey not sure what not why I asked to see you"  Otto answers "I know I heard about Luann how can we help?"  Jax replies "this punk producers making a play for her talent feds shutting her down-- this asshole will hijack all of them"  Otto looks into Muerte's eyes "Caruso?!"  she asks Otto nods "we'll talk to him"  Jax replies Otto sighs "she needs time and money to get up and running in a new space"  Jax replies "we can get her the time"  Otto asks "and the money?"  Jax answers "we're only half healed Otto we don't have it"  Otto sighs shaking his head then says "this seizure by the Feds-- it's Stahl pissing in my mouth for what I did to her and I did that for Sam Crow"  Muerte chuckles "I was no better and I didn't do it for Sam Crow!"  Otto smiles then says with a tone filled with pride "I heard!"  Jax chuckles "I don't want her back in front of the camera Jax I told her she'd never have to to that again"  Otto says to Jax "I won't let that happen that's a promise"  Jax replies Otto nods then says "yeah ok thanks"  Muerte walks around to his side of the table and hugs him he squeezes her tighter setting her on his lap she softly follows the scar over his eye with the tip of her thumb and kisses his forehead then she and Jax leave.... ever since Otto was placed in prison Muerte would visit him everyday just to see how he was doing and to let him know what she knew about the goings on in SAMCRO.... as Jax goes to get the guys Muerte heads to Georgie Caruso's studio.... when the boys came in to the studio themselves Juice laughs and says while pointing at one of the posters on the wall "oh I loved that movie"  Chibs adds "oh I laughed I cried I came"  Jax says as he takes a closer look at the poster "no shit it must have been good it won an anal oscar"  then they hear Muerte's voice threaten "you leave Luann and her girls alone you son of a bitch!"  Jax rushes towards the sound of her voice saying "oh shit!"  Chibs adds "this isn't good!"  as he follows Jax, Juice and Bobby run after them with worried expressions on their faces Caruso's security guards stroll up to them as they move along "look we're the only ones who can stop her so unless you want a dead boss I suggest you back off!"  Jax warns just then Georgie's door bursts open and Georgie comes flying out backwards "oh!.... hi guys!.... meet Georgie Caruso.... Georgie.... meet the guys!.... be grateful that I didn't bring Happy you lousy piece of shit for he'd be HELPING me cause you pain instead of coming with just a warning!"  Muerte says once she sees Jax and the others Georgie was sporting a few bruises in a few areas of his body "unfortunately Georgie still lives.... a real pity that!.... shall I fix it!?!"  she walks towards Georgie who backs away in fear "no!.... no!.... no!.... please stop her!.... I'll do anything you ask!"  Georgie pathetically begs looking up at Jax Muerte scoffs and says in a tone full of anger, hate and disgust "he's a "king" who abuses his "subjects".... and for Otto's sake I will NOT let him do that to Luann or her girls!"  Jax says crossing his arm around her chest holding her back before she causes anymore damage "I'll take care of it Muerte"  then he says "I'm a friend of Luann Delaney"  Georgie looks up at Muerte and says "that doesn't explain who she is!"  Muerte replies "there's only one thing that needs explainin and it has NOTHING to do with me asshole!"  Georgie stands up wiping some blood off the corner of his lips then says "I'm really sorry about what happened"   Muerte replies angrily "we don't need your false sympathy you lying piece of shit!.... what I would "like" is for you to leave her and her girls alone!"  Jax looks behind him at her with warning eyes watching her eyes dance merrily at the look he gave her and he tries not to smile as he turns his attention back to Caruso and says "your terrorizing her actors this stops now"  Georgie says "I'm helping those girls Luann is out of business"  Jax replies "Luann's not out of business"  Georgie says "that's not what I heard"  Jax replies "don't make me come back here Georgie.... or I might just let Muerte here finish you off and she'll bring Happy next time!"  Jax smiles at Muerte who smiles back then he wraps his arm around Muerte's shoulders and leads her out of the studio Juice and Chibs follow Bobby stops and turns to the black security guard who asks "you got a problem?"  everyone turns to look at him they all walk over with Muerte standing inbetween Jax and Juice as Bobby walks closer to the guard and pukes all over his shirt everyone laughs and Bobby says "not now man I feel pretty good thanks"  as they walk away once more Muerte hands Bobby a clean black handkerchief Bobby says to Juice as he wipes his mouth and beard "I told you I was sick.... thanks Muerte!"  she smiles at him as she wraps her arm around his shoulder and asks "you alright?!"  Bobby smiles at her then replies "yeah!.... I'm good!"  when they get outside Jax asks "what were you thinking!?!"   Muerte replies with a dark angry growl "maybe that's the problem Jax maybe I wasn't thinking!.... though if I HAD brought Happy he would have killed him and his muscular statue of a black guard too!"  Jax's eyes widen when he reads inbetween the lines and understands the hidden message within Jax becomes pissed and he wraps his arm around her shoulders once more and says "come on let's go before I do something that I regret!"  Juice looks at the two of them confused Jax just shakes his head and they all leave the studio....

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