Opie's Return

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Donna opened the door to find a woman she has never seen before standing in front of it with a brindle colored pitbull at her side the pitbull barked a soft low happy bark "Rebel be cool!"  the woman says then she asks Donna "sorry to bother you.... is Opie home?!"  then Donna hears Opie's voice say from behind her "Donna who is it!?!"  Donna looked at the woman with a confused expression on her face she wasn't sure if she should be jealous of the beauty who stands before her or not Donna stammers unsure how to answer but she didn't need to for her husband walks over to the door and stands behind her putting on his jacket one sleeve at a time "oh hey Muerte! hi Rebel!"  Opie says with a smile Rebel barks in greeting "you become Juice's old lady yet!?!"  Opie teases the woman at the door smiles but Opie noticed that the smile didn't meet her eyes and he became worried "what's wrong!?!"  he asks "nothing.... I just find it a bit rude that you're gonna stand there and not introduce us!"  Muerte teases Rebel barks as though agreeing with her statement Opie chuckles then says bashfully "yeah!.... sorry!.... Donna this is Muerte Alvarez and one of her pups Reaper.... Muerte this is my wife Donna"  Donna looks at the woman standing before her then her husband and asks with a curious soft voice "one!?!"  Muerte chuckles then says "yeah I have a black one named Demon as well.... as I said I don't mean to bother you but I heard Ope was set free last month.... I also heard that he comes to the shop even less than I do so I asked Jax for his address I would have called first but I didn't know his number.... which I probably should have asked for as well!.... we may not have known each other long since he was arrested the day after we met but strangely enough I consider the bearded grizzly family!"  Opie replies puffing out his chest and acting insulted  "I'm a Viking!"  Muerte chuckles then says with a smile "yeah!.... whatever you say Ope!"  Donna chuckles "I would have come sooner but I wanted to let you get settled first"  Muerte explains "nah it's cool don't worry about it!"  Opie replies "worry about it!?!.... Rebel wouldn't leave me alone until I finally decided to come visit! I think he even secretly fought his brother for the right to come everyday until this day came along!.... did you secretly give him treats when I wasn't looking or something!?!.... maybe it's the beard!"  she says jokingly muttering her last four words Opie and Donna laugh "it's definitely the beard!"  Opie says with a smile "you do realize they're both male right!?!"  Muerte teases Donna laughs as Opie's eyes widen with playful false shock then he laughs just then they hear the sound of a bus stopping in front of the house and Muerte turns to see two kids rushing towards the door then stopping when they see Muerte and Rebel Rebel looks up at Muerte Muerte looks at Opie who grins and nods Muerte nods her head and Rebel rushes over to the kids Donna looked fearful at first then she heard her kids laughing as Rebel knocked them over and gave them kisses "I wouldn't have brought him if I believed anyone would be in danger.... they're my service dogs"  Muerte explains "service dogs!?!"  Opie asks with a surprised confused tone "I was raped last year"  Muerte explains both Donna and Opie look at her in shock "later Ope!.... right now isn't the proper time to delve too deeply in that topic"  Muerte says Opie nods "were you headed somewhere?!"  Muerte asks "oh!.... right!"  Opie says he gives Donna a kiss then heads out the door hugging his kids who were finally set free a few seconds before he walked over "I think I've made things awkward enough so perhaps I'll come back some other day.... this way you can spend some time with your kids.... it was nice to meet you Donna"  Muerte says "uh!.... you too!"  Donna says somewhat surprised as Muerte walks away calling out "Rebel let's ride!"  Rebel runs over to his side car and jumps in and as soon as Muerte gets on her Harley she drives off with a wave....

 you too!"  Donna says somewhat surprised as Muerte walks away calling out "Rebel let's ride!"  Rebel runs over to his side car and jumps in and as soon as Muerte gets on her Harley she drives off with a wave

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